SECRETS REVEALED Discover how you too can use this little known Dark Feminine Art to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. Since then, a lot more people have been using the term high value, and theyve made the term their own, and helped a lot of people, which is fantastic! Humans Are Sensitive To Where The Value Is, Trait To Avoid #1: Being An Entitled Value Sucker, Men Are More Generous Towards The Right Woman, Its OK To Be Invulnerable In The Right Situations. If someone has never been in a serious relationship ever in their lives at age 30+ do you assume. So, if you want to be a high-value woman who knows her self-worth and has self-love,Id recommend starting with yourself first and taking Ruds incredible advice. At the core, the high value man is confident in himself enough to own his value and share from a . And since most women are not used to being the ones to make the first move, getting a high-value man can be tricky. The information in this article is based on research we have done over many years into mating psychology and evolutionary psychology. She doesnt live to please people or seek attention from others. A high-value woman is not selfish. High-value women don't over-invest: they use your level of investment as a barometer for how they respond. As Rud explains in this mind blowing free video, many of us chase love in a toxic way because were not taught how to love ourselves first. And when you're feeling like your best self, there's nothing you can't achieve. If you feel that negativity follows you, dont worry. This tip is all about contrast. Boundaries are important for our mental well-being and making our relationships thrive. 7. Shes aware of her boundaries and doesnt allow anyone to cross them. Taking the high road allows you to be sensitive to whether he is capable of reciprocating or not. She shows genuine concern and helps others when she can. High Value Women Don't Text Deep Stuff. She lives with compassion and kindness and understands the power that these virtues hold. She embraces and respects her sexuality in a modest and great way. She Knows Her Worth. It does not make you show up higher value if you claim to have a bunch of standards for how men should be for you (from a place of hurt, pain, resentment or insecurity. She feels good in her skin and gives high regard for her well-being and happiness. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram. Following the life lessons hes embraced, youll learn where your creativity comes from, how you can use a deep well of personal power to achieve your dreams, and finally, what your purpose in life is. Becoming a high-value woman Is about embodying a few important traits. Your definition of 'high value' may be different to mine, so feel free to . She understands her desires and knows that shes worthy of having them. This gives her intellectual, emotional, and spiritual stability. But by learning to stand up for yourself, youll see that your self-confidence will improve in no time. If you are interested in attracting a high value man who wants a serious committed relationship, this is absolutely the article to dig into. It is your ability to get out of yourself and understand and relate to and connect with him (but also yourself and other humans of course). And she knows how important it is to extend that kindness to herself. Anybody can work up the courage to defend themselves. And she never takes it too hard or too personally. Rather she continues to persist and give her best effort to work on it. Its incredible what you can achieve with just you, your mind, and your unlimited abundance of personal power. Which is a lot different than just working on having self confidence. Also, if you expect things from the world, if youre entitled, then youre not vulnerable to life. Because of her healthy self-love, she knows her worth and doesnt thrive in dramatic relationships. It was founded by Lachlan Brown in 2016. 4. So thats not what Im talking about here. A high value woman is not nervous about expressing herself, regardless of the situation. Its not derived only from social or relationship status, nor her success and materialistic possessions. Women they are head over heels for (these are the rare ones). (If you love watching videos, here is a video I made on the topic of how to be a high value woman). A lot of people feel like being high value is about knowing you are worthy, having healthy boundaries (or high value woman boundaries), and having self confidence. Literally or metaphorically. Your posture, your gait or the way you walk, all give little subtle signs of the health of your body and any potential disease. Weight: People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of having high cholesterol. Here are the three ways you can become a higher value woman to men: A low value woman is a woman whose behaviour in relation to others constantly strips value and drains others of their resources. Moreover, a low value person is someone who has no capability to attune to others and their desires, feelings and actions. A high value womanloves herself in a healthy manner, consuming a healthy diet and staying in shape. Believe me, if youre feeling, listening and watching, youll know. So if youve been neglecting yourself, its about time you prioritize your well-being. sense of humor leads to better psychological health. If they reciprocate your generous spirit (which some men will), youll know theyre worth a second date, and more of your precious time. Our new Facebook Group is hereJoin the High Value Feminine Women Community using this link. And no matter what shes facing and what shes been through, the values she brings with and for herself endures. Her love is selfless. However, some signs of high mate value are universal. The high-quality woman is well-mannered, knows to talk and converse, has high social skills and is well-read and knowledgeable. She will stand by her significant other and offer constant support, but she will expect the same in return. It means that she has these traits: You show him your high valued by building your value in the three core areas: There are no short cuts to showing a guy that youre high value, because any short-cuts like plastic surgery, multi dating (to try to look popular and sought after) or even heavy use of make up only work in the short-term. A low value person is someone who is always taking more value than they give. No matter what the circumstances are, a high-value woman persists. High-value women match a man's level of investment. Theres a certain vibe of a high-value woman that people cant help but admire. She feels her emotions and acknowledges them, without letting them take over. In a place of love and growth, she's raising a tribe of three with her husband - and writes to inspire people to create impactful relationships. So Im sharing this guide so we can all self-evaluate as we embark on our journey to becoming the embodied woman that we are. However, by having what I call fake standards (which is defined as having a fancy name for a bunch of expectations you have for value from the world), youll do nothing but show up low value. A high-value woman makes an impression wherever she goes and whomever she meets. High value men share more, low value men take. You see, just because many of us women assume that men should technically be providers for women, doesnt mean men will want to or feel good providing for you. That is, in the eyes of potential mating partners. He makes a plan and sets things in motion. However, its not for so many of us because weve lost touch with our feminine nature. She does the right thing regardless of what the circumstances are and even when no one is watching. If you have to work hard for something, you consider it precious. To become a high value woman, you need to set higher standards for yourself and refrain from accepting anything less. High value women are naturally vulnerable. Heres why this is important: Its because in dating and relationships, it doesnt matter how we feel inside (whether we are confident or lacking in self esteem), if we show up with value, men will gravitate towards us. As most people avoid being vulnerable, Rebecca Wheeler of RWA Psychology has this to share, To avoid vulnerability is to deny ourselves the opportunity of genuine love and connection with others. Plenty of ladies tend to assume that if a man is desiring them, that this means this is the answer to what makes a high value woman. Trying to secure a . He doesn't cry over spilt milk; 9. b : to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate. After all, shes grounded and aware of her inherent worth. Heres a quick contrast between high value (highly desirable Vs undesirable) traits in women: Lets talk about number 1, health and radiance value. 12) Dress for success. There are 2 main reasons why a man will ignore a woman. She accepts people for who they are and never tries to change them. This doesnt only apply to men but to all of us. However, having health and radiance value or reproductive value isnt just about being of reproductive age or being below 50 years old. What Does It Really Mean To Be A High Value Woman? Id recommend starting with yourself first and taking Ruds incredible advice. However, the accepted inclusion of misogyny as a dating technique within the high-value conversation is worrisome. A high-value woman is someone who has intrinsic value, rather than being that person who is trying to trick others into thinking she has value. 5. A high value voman is a woman who has intrinsic value in relationship with others. You are able to offer him a listening ear and, CLICK HERE to LEARN the one specific emotional trigger, Give someone the opportunity to hear what you. 1) She loves and respects herself deeply. Being a high-value woman is about being comfortable and confident in expressing her thoughts, feelings, and opinions with others. Here are more traits that show her maturity: A high-value woman possesses humility and is grateful for everything in her life. (yes, in online dating, too!) Compassion is a powerful force in the world of high-value women. Standing tall with good posture, and holding yourself like you matter is also one of the principles of how to be a classy lady. Also, the tighter you hold onto a wet bar of soap, the quicker it slips out of your hand. You can refuse to be impressed. A low value woman is a woman whose overall behaviour in relation to others constantly strips value and drains others of their valuable time, energy and attention. No high value man wants to be with a woman who talks down to others, make snide comments, or disrespects other people. A high-value woman is playful and fun to be around. Be kind to everyone and exercise your compassion muscle. Lastly there is Spiritual value. It's important that you can expect people to take you seriously when you go out of your way to make sure that you look good. The alpha mentality is essential to the high-value male mindset. For a high-value woman, any form of lies and drama creates stress and unpleasantness. For a high-value woman, having a relationship with a man is a wonderful addition, but its not necessary. Take some tips from your grandpa he knew a thing or two. Wouldnt you agree? She dresses appropriately and modestly. It is crucial to mention that a high quality man does not joke with his loved ones. A high value person within a purists definition is a person true to their own values, a person who understands values driven by the importance of their own influence, a person who understands the importance of their own values to others and the world at large, like the saying a man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. Being a high-value woman means looking after ones physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. Besides, judging a book by its cover is never a good idea if you want to make the most out of life and take every opportunity to learn from others. If you allow yourself to present with value, youll make your dating life easier. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I believe you have the power to attract your ideal man, have him fall head over heels in love with you, wanting to commit deeply to you and have the passionate relationship youve always dreamt about. Being a high-value woman means understanding the essence of having healthy boundaries. Yet, once you begin to form any kind of social relationship or intimate relationship with anyone, vulnerability is the cornerstone of how to be high value. Well its an art you probably knew a lot about when you were a little girl (before you grew into adulthood and bought into all these rules people gave you for what to do and what not to do!). And shes giving herself the same love and care shes giving others. But this incredible trait doesnt always come naturally. Man- an individual human. She values self-care and commits to good health and better well-being. 5. Shes raised to take criticisms as a chance to grow and to improve. Now, all you ladies who are above 50 or 60 years old, bear with me here, because I know that at that stage of life, you might feel like you are passed all the young and healthy or reproductive value stuff and are into a different stage of life. She knows the essence of embracing her uniqueness, femininity, charm, and gracefulness. A high-value woman doesnt need a man to complete her. Learn more about the 7 things that make a woman look low value to all men here. To be a high value woman in dating, you need to: For women, this act of leading with a desire to take usually means she wants to take a mans commitment and take a relationship. Of course, as a high value feminine woman, you want to avoid the, For example: lets say you give value by being gently playful with a man while dating. If youve been neglecting your health,but youve always wanted to live a healthier lifestyle, then you can still make positive changes in your life to make your mental and physical health a priority. Yes, so many of us are trying so hard to be worthy that we lose touch with our vulnerability. It is signs that you have people around you who like you or want to hang out with you. During the divorce, Kevin "High Value Man" Samuels had to file financial documents - in association with paying child support for his then 5 year old daughter. BIG MISTAKE! If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Thus, shes after a man who has morals and integrity. Now, you might be thinking isnt it good to be selfish sometimes?. A team player, not a damsel in distress 3. High-value women don't have a Cinderella complex. She is proactive. If you're not happy with the woman that you are, or the direction your life is heading its not too late to change for the better and become whoever you want to be. Being spiritual is also about respecting, deeply appreciating and connecting with humans and life at all levels. By asking him for advice you are telling him that you trust and value his judgement. Her radiance and magnetic energy make men drawn to her. Because a high-value woman has a deep sense of self-respect, she sees herself worthy of being pursued. Just because you are angry doesnt mean you cant be angry from the heart. This frees her from getting too disappointed or any overwhelming expectations when things dont work out. So what D.Shen and I have done here is weve broken down this elusive term high value into 3 separate categories so that it is easy to understand and easy to take action upon. She doesn't bother with distractions or things that do not align with her purpose. If you want to understand the difference between being vulnerable and being needy, heres an article for you , There are very few things I would suggest that you, (In fact, if youre really interested in this topic, you should see the article. Remember that online dating is a wonderful way to meet and attract a man (IF you do online dating right). And of course, youd want a man to emotionally connect with you so that he falls in love and forms a lasting emotional attachment to you (and to the relationship you build together). A high-value woman doesnt settle for less than what she deserves. She creates an ideal future for herself. A high-value woman has an admirable presence that makes her world and those around her a lot brighter. She trusts her intuition to guide her through life and take charge of it. Perhaps you also want to attract a high value man, and high value people into your life? This is about being emotionally and spiritually generous. (yes, in online dating, too!) While some women use their femininity to attract men for sex, who will then provide them with material objects and offer them other advantages the high value woman does not engage in this type of behavior, as she has more respect for herself than to use her sex appeal for financial gain. put effort into using makeup and clothing the best way they can. She makes sure she always looks and feels her absolute best! First Of All. Her sense of maturity makes her a perfect example of a woman whos wise beyond her years. Suppose he is not at all interested in your playfulness, and he ignores it, because he just wants sexy times. She recognizes herself as the one who is first and foremost responsible for her well-being and happiness. On his platform, Samuels says his perspective represents the modern, high-value Black man while cautioning women opposing this perspective. She does. My advice to men reading this to not worry about establishing yourself as "High Value", as defined by women who need you to check a box off their list of . Subtle signalling is a form of initiating, rather than chasing. High value women need to set boundaries. This is not to say that a high value woman never cries or becomes emotional, but it simply means that shes able to manage her emotions appropriately. A high value woman could mean a person who gives a lot back to society, or who manages a large family. For instance, give up that extra cup of coffee in the morning and go for a walk instead. A high value male has equal respect for everyone irrespective of status, age, color, or other differences. Being a high-value woman seems daunting, but its not complicated as you think it is. And, let's be honest, men are visual creatures. This is where your answers lie. ; Sex: Males often have higher levels of LDL.After menopause, a woman's LDL levels can also increase. She feels good in her skin and gives high regard for her well-being and happiness. He understands that every day is an opportunity to move the needle forward and accomplish things. Give someone the opportunity to hear what you believe in, rather than letting them hear all about what you expect. The Clingy Ones - Who would not just leave you alone. If we didnt protect our own effort, investment and time when finding a potential mate or lover, then wed be wasting our own mating resources. I notice that there is a literal epidemic of women who do not love themselves nowadays. And he might see you as less valuable in comparison. There are two reasons to this: a. A woman who knows her self-worth and values herself is very appealing to quality man. The more you chase, the faster it runs. Realize that youre a complete person being on your own. She knows that loving and focusing on oneself isn't being selfish. High-value men know what they want and how to get it. When expressing her emotions and thoughts vocally, she does not hesitate. He is thoughtful and intentional, especially when it comes to relationships. CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz! That would send all the wrong signals and come off as uninterested and men would move on. If you want to be a high value woman, and have high value traits, then avoid blindly chasing men. Its the very reason why you cant stop her from taking chances. Women with a high sense of value don't need to play games. Rather than chasing a man, you can find ways to send subtle signals to him that its ok to approach you. She doesnt provoke arguments, doesnt exhibit mood swings and is all-around emotionally stable. She knows how to lighten up and not take everything too seriously. The real key to being high valued is to build intrinsic value within yourself, and have real value to offer a man in a relationship with you. 3. She seeks to take responsibility for her life and her relationships. Exude Confidence. If you want to learn more about showing up as a high value woman, I recommend you delve deeply into our program Commitment Control, which helps you easily inspire emotional commitment from men. Louise Jackson And no matter who you are, what youve got, or where youre from, remember that: Know that your life isnt any less abundant even without the presence of a man or material things. And this is not about sitting in a quiet corner and meditating, nor is it about acting morally better than others. And she doesn't feel bad for putting herself first. She makes friends with ease, can jump in and contribute to any conversation and is able to handle herself gracefully even in situations where others would normally feel uncomfortable. The stand-alone definition isn't problematic or new, society has always valued wealthy men. This means that what you fear, you can also appreciate. Click here to watch his free introductory video, femininity reflects what she has inside her, 15 signs you have a strong character that some people mistake for arrogance, 10 warning signs youre a chronic over-apologizer, 12 signs you have an innate ability to inspire others, 13 things only classy women can relate to, 15 things you dont realize youre doing because youre naturally classy, She indulges in daily pleasures that makes her feel good, Shes passionate about everything she does, She loves herself and enjoys her independence, She chooses a partner who accepts and respects her authentic self, Know that youre in control of your thoughts, Keep grounded by not letting someones opinion sway you, Listen to your emotions without suppressing them, Practice regular meditation, yoga, or get a massage, Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated, Pamper yourself with a massage or a salon visit, Engage in exercise or just move your body, She knows how to cope with unexpected changes, Shes honest about herself and her feelings, She takes responsibility for her actions and behaviors, Think through and analyze every choice and decision you make, Keep your promises and remain true to your words, Its about giving high regard to yourself while honoring those around you, Its about allowing people who value and respect you into your life, Its about owning your value and knowing your worth. Before you can successfully transform into a high value woman, you must truly believe that youre not only worthy of the title but that you can achieve it! Her confidence outweighs all the insecurities and negativities projected upon her by others. Her experiences strengthen her and make her a well-rounded person. By being vulnerable, she doesnt let fears control her choices and decisions. He adds more value than he takes. Yet, this isnt so much about being selfish or not selfish. Sensitivity toward others is one of the best qualities of a high-value woman. If you liked this article and are psyched about the possibility of becoming a high value woman, tell yourself that its possible. A high-value woman is someone who understands her importance and worth. She is the feminine diva that he craves to be around. This is true for a high-value woman as she knows how to pivot. She is generous thus she invests in relationships. Kevin Samuels is a YouTube sensation and self-appointed "professional image consultant." Like so many YouTube experts before him, he exploits the pain and vulnerability of Black women's quest for love while the world watches in amusement. Self-development courses, meditation, the Law of Attraction, you name it, Ive tried it. Shes comfortable in her own skin in all different parts of herself, (dark and light feminine personalities). After all, you're flipping fabulous, and you should attract a stellar guy. She understands that playfulness and a sense of humor are essential to happy and lasting relationships. If youre not vulnerable, then youre insensitive. Shes a woman to look up to when youre going through a difficult time as she performs well even under stress. Don't be that girl. A high value woman can ward off unwanted advances, without causing the person to feel angry or hurt. Because she is sick of giving people chances and the benefit of the doubt only to be fooled. She seeks understanding of men rather than defaulting to judgment. But its about showing ones authentic self, being brave with her emotions, and being transparent. . Her purpose gives her life meaning and fulfillment. An undeniable quality of a man of value is that he keeps his word. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, empathy, belonging, joy, courage, and creativity.. An attractive trait of a high-value man is his assertiveness. He is reliable, trustworthy, you can count on him, and you know that when he says something, he means it. For her, its a way to share an already fulfilling life with a person who values her individuality and independence. A high value high-status woman often becomes an inspiration to other . But how do you initiate or send a man subtle signals? Its that internal pride that youre looking for. It doesnt mean that she never gets mood swings. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N 4. Right now you probably embody several of these traits. She finds fulfillment in crafting content for entrepreneurs and life coaches. View complete answer on Heres a few screenshots from some women in our community who have initiated by using high value banter and have successfully been asked out quickly on dates by high quality men! Some women use plastic surgery to try to signal higher mate value. ), If you want to learn more about this topic, see this article Your resentment for men.. Instead your time is precious, it is worth something and so are you. If you're motivated and ready to put forth the necessary effort, and know what you want from life, then you're already one step closerto becoming the high value woman that you desire to be. We all have our personal likes and preferences. High value women dont engage in gossip or spread negativity. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. In turn, you will repel the generous and smart masculine men (who always get snapped up super fast by women). I mean, I have a whole program on the 17 Attraction Triggers. Shes bold enough to take risks and handle disappointments when people fail her. She has multiple ways in her life through which to feel like she is enough. Also, the more you feel capable to connect, the more you will hold yourself like you matter. If you have a desire and intention to connect, and are not just in it for yourself, then you will learn along the way about how to socialise and you will calibrate as you go along. Thats how my husband and I came up with the term. You can't help but be drawn to him because he has a clear purpose in life. If you like reading self-help books, they can certainly help you on your quest to becoming a high value woman, so be sure to check out our article that discusses 250 self-help books that can assist you on your journey of discovery and self-growth. I hope you got a lot of value out of this article. Showing your fun side will make him want to be around you.. Make him feel needed. Adding value can come from a wide variety of sources such as your energy, personality, network, resources, knowledge, past life experiences and challenges overcome. According to Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of Joy From Fear and Date Smart, Boundaries are the separations that humans needmentally, emotionally, and physicallyto feel safe, valued, and respected.. Low value women are manipulative by nature. A woman of high value deeply respects and loves herself and will not accept anything less. A high value woman's time is the most precious thing she has and she does not give it away for free. She communicates genuinely and has respect for the ideas and feelings of others. And she uses appearance like a high-quality product uses marketing: as two faces of the same coin. Ed Latimore. Dont try to fit into other peoples cups as it makes you lose sight of who you truly are. Seventh Trait Of A High-Value Woman - She Loves Herself. "High value men want a powerhouse woman at their side, not an immature girl who hasn't learned how to tend to her own emotional needs." ~ Michael, 42. She handles every situation with finesse and doesnt settle for anything less than she deserves. check out our article that discusses 250 self-help books that can assist you on your journey of discovery and self-growth. There are many benefits of becoming a high value woman: The following are 13important traits you should develop if you want to become the ultimate high value woman.
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