timed static contractions have become popular with some instructors for use with clients who cant perform certain exercises through a full range of motion due to physical problems or injuries. The plain truth is that hundreds of thousands of men throughout the middle of the last century strengthened and built their bodies without drugs. Shoulder presses, declines, inclines, pull-downs, curls, etc. One thing Cooper appreciated, our mutual friend noted (and this was no joke), was that we had not raved to him about Nautilus. Arthur Jones had some of that ability, too. HEAVY DUTY BASICS It was a combination of factors that made Yates so huge I figure. Binges on spoonfuls of butter straight from the carton. Breakdowns - This practice involves stripping off about 10% of the resistance you're using and grinding out a few more reps. You can opt to drop the poundage once or twice a week, depending on how much intensity you're ready for. Thanks to Lou Schuler, who did a superb job with editing my words, and Carol Angstadt, who made the format and illustrations pop with excitement, The New High-Intensity Training is going to be, in my opinion, my best book yet. Or a training partner with a watch can talk your through each phase. Pullover Known for his feats at the 1978 IFBB Mr. USA and 1979's, Ray was a sight to be seen during his prime. Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Workout Is One of the Hottest Topic in Bodybuilding. Drew Baye: If you place those potential HIT users on the far left side a normal, bell-shaped curve, what would you label those on the far right side high-volume trainees? Forced negs had the same effect. Ellington Darden: Arnold had a great peak on his right arm. Without getting into the finer points of the SuperSlow philosophy, I want to say simply: Ken Hutchins carefully studied repetition form, which was and is a subset of HIT, and turned it into a full-fledged business. They would send me various items, including tiny photos of themselves. Jones had an interest in producing how-to videos on many aspects of sports medicine. Rest 2 to 3 minutes Rest 3 to 5 minutes The downward spiral began at this point. Sometimes, being unable to express yourself can produce an unexpected benefit. Press Behind Neck. Not surprising to me, the addition of 18-1/2 pounds of muscle increased his resting metabolic rate by 530 calories, or 28.6 calories per pound of added muscle per day. Drew Baye: How many bodybuilders do you figure are interested in HIT? Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) Back Workout On this back routine, Mentzer hit 5 different exercises. Born: 2021 Drew Baye. Each set lasted more than 20 seconds longer as a result of the stutter reps. As well I found him very bias towards AJ, as in he was never wrong. McCutcheon placed high in a few contests in Great Britain and relocated in 1992 to Portland, Oregon, where he became an engineer for Novellus Systems. I apply many of the techniques in my workouts each week. Hutchins was going to ease over and take a seat beside Cooper. The men in the magazines that I admired were the classic physiques, such as Steve Reeves and John Grimek, as well as Ron Lacy, who won the Mr. America in 1957 and had terrific calves. Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. Surely, with the correct instruction and motivation, we can turn a reasonable percentage of them into HIT believers. Mike & Ray Mentzer - In the Gym. Rest 1 minute But Mike was unreceptive. Does he start splitting his workouts? He registered no weight gain during days 12, 13, and 14, so I just called it two weeks to keep it in line with the other two-week plans in the book. Something similar to a lesser degree also happened to just about everyone who was trained by Jones. Homemade Salsa, Fresh Toppings, Make Mango Ginger Rice Bowl, Tasty And Delightful, How To Make Caramelized Onions, Sweet, Delicious, How to make Reuben Egg Rolls at home? I never attended because I worked at a club. My original Nautilus book, initially published in 1980 and revised five times, sold more than half a million copies. Ken and I had been involved in a Nautilus seminar and we were waiting to fly back to Daytona Beach. As for gaining eighteen pounds of muscle in two weeks, Ive never personally trained anyone who has put on that much size, but knowing how quickly I can put on a few pounds with creatine I wouldnt rule out the possibility that someone like David Hudlow who is much larger than I am could gain a significant amount of size with Ells creatine loading protocol. He reached a bodyweight of 75kg by age fifteen. For this discussion, though, I'm considering conventional equipment which restricts most large-muscle moves to multijoint exercises. But first, the medical professionals had to determine whether Mikes kidney was compatible with Rays. In this interview the author of the best-selling Nautilus book series retraces his early training days with Arthur Jones and Casey Viator and talks about some of the golden-age bodybuilders who inspired him. One of the greatest bodybuilders of his time was Ray Mentzer. Drew Baye: The publisher of your new HIT book is Rodale. In New Orleans, a month later at the Mr. USA, Viator weighed 210 pounds and was more cut than he was when he was 5 pounds lighter. All of these champions were drug-free and I must emphasize that there were some very well built men in the 40s and 50s. I would love for it to be wrong, but hey, it might be right. Drew Baye: So, instead of Jones training Viator for 10 months prior to the 1971 Mr. American, it was more like 6 months. 1978 IFBB Mr. USA I think that the duration and intensity of effort are the main factors, not the range of motion. Lateral Raise Casey could make his biceps, in a series of three distinct contractions, grow more massive as he moved his forearm closer to his shoulder. But I dont think Arnolds triceps, nor forearms, were in the same category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. Spillane was younger, 21, lighter, 132 pounds, and had less genetic potential than did Hudlow. In fact, NTF workouts may speed recovery by supplying some of the chemistry to guard against atrophy and to facilitate active rest. He has a Bowflex Ultimate machine and he uses it two or three times a week. Chin Ray, like other great bodybuilders, developed a love for the sport of lifting early in life. In early 1971, because of business and travel commitments, Jones stopped personally training Viator. If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer or High Intensity Training email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as quick as we can. Ray had no choice but to have a replacement kidney due to the severity of the illness. . But it was no use. It had been a while since he had written a book on bodybuilding, and other than the late Mike Mentzers last book there hasnt been any books on the subject worth reading for quite a while that Im aware of. 2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Bent-Over Barbell Row (Mentzer Style) or Wide Grip Cable Row. We then expected some locking of horns to occur. When I visited Rodales main photography studio in Emmaus, I met with my editor, Lou Schuler, who also is the fitness director for Mens Health. Durning his interview with John Little, Mentzer opened up in great detail about the routine that earned him the famous physique we know today. One reason the squat is considered such a great overall exercise is the sheer volume of muscle the movement exercises. Two days later, Ray died from complications from his long battle with Berger's disease. The death of his beloved brother proved to be too much to bear for Ray. Mike Mentzer's training routine Triceps Choose two different exercises and do them both for two sets. And when an almost unbelievably muscular Mentzer materialized in 1979, once again it was due to another application of increased intensity. Leg Press Only then do you let it return to full extension. Concerning volume, if youre on a reduced-calorie diet to lose fat, you can shorten your HIT routine to only 4 or 5 exercises per session and make excellent results. If Ray Mentzer taught us anything, it would be to never take life for granted, to make every day count, and to avoid wasting time on things you dont enjoy since life is too short for that. After I perform isometric exercises involving large muscle-groups I am sometimes panting and nauseous as though Ive just maxed out my cardiorespiratory capabilities. She was intending to do a series of instructional videotapes and wanted to check out the studios in Lake Helen. . Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Drew Baye: When Jones trained someone, was he a stickler for form? Login. Actually, the personal-training part was much less than that. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. Drew Baye: Im surprised you failed to place Schwarzeneggers arms in the top category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. Ray made at least one appearance at the Ephrata Rec Center, signing autographs for fans. 290 pounds on the Nautilus leg extension machine, I believe Ive done that much., Having cleared his throat, Mullen continued . He prided himself in being able to keep a straight face, which threw you off, until you figured out his style. Ray neglected to tell Martina that there were dangerous crocodiles inside. But I believe its a reasonable goal to aim for one-tenth of that number during the first year after publication. I talked about not-to-failure training in the middle of my first Nautilus book, but it wasnt emphasized. Dip Squat I do think, however, that the creatine monohydrate formula was responsible for from 25 to 30 percent of the results. Drew Baye: Are you currently working on anything new and exciting? There were several times when he appeared to be interested, but it quickly faded. Is there a study you can cite on this? Ray would subsequently go on to become a legend in the bodybuilding world with his vascular 20+ inch arms and then-unimaginable weight of 275 pounds. Of course, the lower back is also stimulated because it is involved in the move. Also, my soreness from deadlifts lasted an entire 7 or 8 days! Ray too, died within 48 hours of Mike's passing. Overall, Im very pleased with whats happening with the book. bussard_collector 1 yr. ago. Conroes head football coach, W. T. Stapler, who had been there for 10 years, told me that Hutchins bench-pressed 50 pounds more and dealifted 100 pounds more than the strongest guys on the team. Jones had driven from his home in Lake Helen, Florida, to Los Angeles and on the way back he stopped by Red Lerilles gym in Lafayette, Louisiana, and reassembled some of his initial Nautilus machines that he had displayed in California a week earlier. But both are real killers, maybe try it sometime. Hutchins was a beginner and I had been training seriously for a number of years. Hutchins and I both has access to weights through the school system. Here is Mike Mentzer's chest routine: 1. Someone somewhere should be doing a large-scale research project to help us understand more about their place in short- and long-term exercise. . I choose to remember the drug-free bodybuilders who influenced me when I was growing up. Im not sure why he permitted it because he certainly understood what proper form was. According to Ray, he got more attention at the airport than Martina did, the dirty car turned her off, and the ride back to Lake Helen was hot, both in temperature and in conversation. Once I saw her creative design and layout, I realized that she had leapfrogged significantly my other bodybuilding books. Leg Extension That sounds like a long workout but marathon training sessions where common practice amongst the Golden Era Bodybuilders. It was during this project, which continued for four years, that Hutchins tested and applied the initial SuperSlow protocols. Make no mistake Ken Hutchins was one strong, Texas teenager. Did he ever do any amusing things around Nautilus? "For a while Mike and I strayed from our high intensity, heavy poundage workouts into a program using lighter weights and higher reps. (By the way, I agreed with Mikes assessment.) Im grateful that Ive spent as much time as I have with both Jones and Hutchins. This is a reposting from 2004, during which time I was still working with Hutchins at the SuperSlow Zone. Dip He performed one set of 11 or fewer HIT upper-body exercises, three times per week. During one of my stopovers in 1970, I introduced Hutchins to several Nautilus-styled HIT routines and I could tell he was impressed. Mike Mentzer (1951-2001) was a brilliant professional American bodybuilder, businessman and fitness writer. After some small talk, he was going to ask him bluntly to define exercise. But I heard about his visit from Jones, Viator, and Larry Gilmore. Stage Reps - Here you have a way in which to work around both the sticking points in an exercise and the lockout. McCutcheon trains by himself in his basement. He achieved the same in the AAU Mr. America competition one year later. Drew Baye: In part IV of your book, you devote a chapter to each of eight different specialized routines. Created by, Ray Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements, - Rate us if you are a Food Lover (Sugarzam.com). (Creamy, Classic Taste), How to make Brown Sugar Grilled Peaches? By Steve Wedan (visit his website at www.SteveWedanArt.com). Created by Mike Mentzer (1951 - 2001)as much philosopher as he was bodybuilderthe Heavy Duty method is one that incorporates high-intensity training along with lower rep ranges and heavier weights. Mike Mentzer Photo Gallery. Sure, if you can afford the luxury of having a knowledgeable personal trainer, or can team up with a great workout partner, take advantage of the opportunity. He was at rep 15 and Arthur walked into the gym with a couple of people. Ive tried them several times and Ive definitely felt the tension. I disagree with Darden that theres a strike against isometrics vs negatives here. With Mike and Ray Mentzer's tragic deaths, our visitors would like to know about last days of the legendary brothers. Four years passed . I assumed one of the Mens Health design team would be assigned to do the layout of my book. With each contest, his proportions swelled, and fans stated at every "heavy duty" photograph they could find in the magazines. The Mentzer family, unfortunately, has a history of heart disease. Has a great fear of ocean swimming because he doesn't "want to become filet mignon for some shark!". They shared an apartment after moving in together, and during the ensuing months, they became closer. Also make sure to increase the weight in a particular exercise whenever possible. and a mutual friend told me that Cooper still didnt care for strength training. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. But it wasnt until Jones started experimenting and writing about negative work in 1972, that any bodybuilder took it seriously. All the other HIT books eventually have you performing split routines. Mike was exercising six days a week in the gym, typically for up to three hours at a time, when he started his four years of service in the US air . During the 10 years that Ken worked at Nautilus, he and I were involved in four major strength-training and fat-loss projects, as well as dozens of Nautilus-related seminars and workshops. Instead, he announced that combating successfully what was on the interior was the final test of a Nautilus obstacle course, and let her enter ahead of him. In two weeks, Caseys body weight was up to 210 pounds. After Ray retired from completion he continued to workout with his high intensity training approach he called "Intensity For Immensity" and reached a peak body weight of 270 pounds in fairly lean condition. . The results in his book, The New HIT, used slow rep training with great results any reason why you passed on asking these questions? We read the sarcastic and bitter attacks of strength coaches and naturally gifted weightmen who try to tell us that everyone knows that one-set-to-failure is an exercise philosophy that never really worked. Drew Baye: Whats your opinion of Hutchinss SuperSlow? Egad! Ray noticed physical changes in him that soon produced results. Rest 2 to 3 minutes We researched the HIT interest and heres what we concluded about our audience: In the early 1980s, when HIT was at its height of popularity, about 16 percent of bodybuilders in the United States were involved with it. 2. Ellington Darden: The first thing that pops into my mind happened in Atlanta, Georgia, one night in February 1980. Naturally, isolation is an important component for stimulating muscle growth, and exercises that work large muscle areas don't have to be compound movements. He seldom even trained again. The entire movement needs to be fluid and controlled. The next morning he instructed Ray Mentzer to meet Martina at the airport and escort her back to Lake Helen. Viator more than doubled Hudlows rate of growth. With Flanagan and me pushing him, hed have stopped at 20. Bodybuilding Titles Won After a while, we would have to pin additional weight on most of the Nautilus machines. While many people know the basics of Heavy Duty training, the advanced techniques are known by only a few. Drew Baye: In Joness 1973 Colorado Experiment, how much muscle did Casey Viator gain during the first two weeks? For more than ten years, Mentzer's Heavy Duty program involved 7-9 sets per workout on a three day-per-week schedule.With the advent of "modern bodybuilding" (where bodybuilders became more massive than ever before) by the early 1990s, he ultimately modified that routine until there were fewer working sets, and more days of rest. Drew Baye: Due to the level of motivation required to perform the kind of outright hard work involved in high intensity training, do you think most people would get better results training with a partner? Mentzer preached high-intensity exercise once a week or once every five to seven days and stressed that 20-30 minutes were ideal for achieving maximum muscle stimulation. Yates' drug routines have been published and were an earlier version of today's polypharmaceuticals - far beyond the relatively lightweight stacks of the 70s. Important, you must have a clock or a watch with a second hand that you can place in plain sight. Ray was the first bodybuilder I ever saw who weighed 250 pounds or more, in fairly lean condition. While Mike Mentzer was serving in the US Air Force, he would work 12-hour shifts, and then follow that up with 'marathon workouts', as was the accepted standard in those days. If you read nutrition labels, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose, all refer to sugar. Leg Curls . Calf Raise1 1/4 reps - 6 day rest - Day 2. They can also be produced synthetically or Robert Kennedy Memorial @ Casa Del Mar, Santa Monica By Jerry Fredrick, 10 Signs Your Testosterone May Be Too Low, 4 Ways Sugar Does Harm To Your Body and What To Do, Top 10 Best Partner Workout Exercises for Valentines Day, Workout and Diet Like Kang the Conqueror: Jonathan Majors, Fuel Your Muscles: Top 16 Best High-Protein Foods, New Year Resolution Tips | Guide for Beginners. Ellington Darden: The last Mr. Olympia contest that I attended was in 1995 in Atlanta. Proper strength training, we felt, was more than an adequate way to work the muscles and heart. Of course Grimek and Reeves stood out, but so did Steve Stanko, Mr. America 1944, who was more massive than Grimek. a side for 11 reps his 1st day back. In 1978, at Sean Harringtons Nautilus club in Los Angeles, I witnessed Mike go through a true HIT workout. Put simply, when you work one muscle, other unworked muscles are affected; when it grows, they growto a smaller extent, of course. Who took a cookie from the cookie jar? For those recommendations to come close to producing maximum results, the trainee would have to extremely big, strong, and advanced. A goal of 160,000 for The New HIT seems reachable. Wilbur was, and still is, a wheat farmer. Much of the credit goes to its nature as a big, three-joint exercise (hips, knees and ankles are all involved). Arthur told Ray to put on his brightest, horizontal-striped shirt (he didnt want Martina to miss him) and be sure and drive the old, unwashed, company car, which had a broken air-conditioner (that meant hed have to roll down all the windows so air could circulate). Bench press - 1 x 8 reps All rights Reserved. With the do-it-yourself approach, your results will probably never be maximum. . He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. When Jones asked him to flex his arm, his forearm mass seemed to jettison his biceps into a much higher than anticipated mound of muscle. No other training book has this type of history or background material, which I believe is worthwhile and meaningful in understanding the why of HIT. It will be reintroduced under the name of DrDarden.com, and it will include a lot of new and old stuff related to HIT. His first scheduled contests under Joness guidance were Teenage Mr. America, during the last week of July, followed a month later by Mr. USA. He passed away in 2001 at 49-years-old due to a heart attack. "The secret, if there is one, is high intensity. I'd better leave this nut to the pipestem, get-in-shape, "muscle tone" crowd Well, before you click to another article, let me say that this routine isn't hypothetical. That reinforced to me that the weight gain was added muscle and not just water brought about from the creatine loading. Weight: 220 lbs. It was starting to become a sideshow then. He was observed performing a two-rep 900-pound squat during one of his evening workouts. He consumed more than 60% of his daily calories as carbohydrates. She had promised to help me later with my tennis serve. To me there was nothing new about this book and can you really gain that amount of muscle within that time span? Body Building Links. You can build up to it. The three techniques Heavy Duty prescribed most were forced reps, negative reps, and rest-pause. Mike Mentzer was focused on High Intensity, Low Volume training, capitalizing on a six to nine rep range. Exercises that required a great deal of intensity in a short amount of time were the focus of heavy-duty training. Mike and his girlfriend, Julie McNew, came over to my home several times for dinner and we had some far-reaching conversations, none of which had much at all to do with bodybuilding. After working with McCutcheon for week, I knew hed be ideal to use for The New High-Intensity Training. On June 12th, in York, Pennsylvania, at the 1971 Mr. America, Casey weighed 218 pounds and displayed his dominance by winning the main title and five of the six subdivisions . Finally, the storm cleared, and the three of us boarded the same plane to Daytona Beach. MIKE MENTZER: "MY HEAVY DUTY WORKOUT ROUTINE" John Little 20.8K subscribers 67K views 9 months ago In this presentation, recorded in 1990, Mike Mentzer reveals the program (exercises, sets,. The amazing thing about Miller was that he never worked out in a commercial gym and never had a training partner. When I was around Mike, we got along fine. The result: Jones built 11-1/4 pounds of muscle in 14 days, which is not bad at all for a man almost 50 years of age.