In the meanwhile Duncan Lacroix is congratulating Valbo(Sam's friend and MPC colleague).. Maybe Heughan was paid a big fat fee for joining. One of my dearest gay friends is in a relationship with a gay guy who feels he has to closet for his career (sport based), and he is probably right. A straight white woman who uses a blonde female emoji, who saw Sam in a gay movie and a gay play in London. Right from the start Starz very unfairly boxed him into the hetero male meat role and then some of the fans took it way, way too far. Watch this space, I guess. I don't know where I came across it but I recently read that Henry Cavill said almost the exact same thing as S: No time for a relationship, his first priority is his career. 4,461 notes. He was sitting on the edge of his guest chair like a virgin on her first meeting with the grooms mother. lmao!! "The words of a President matter, at their best they can inspire, at their worst they can incite"- @JoeBiden #Decency That and the question how OL production will be financed after Brexit and the lost of EU subsidy. LuHaFraser. thanks R306. Some have almost bragged on twitter that they live from pay to pay to do so, and one even moaned that she now couldn't afford tampons after paying to attend a Con. Nobody would have noticed his whiskey, without the Outlander fandom. The director was Cressida Brown and it was at Offstage Theatre at Bridewell in London in Jan. 2011. The pair were photographed kissing (. Just stay away from any poor tuna and lay off the matching t shirts. "The thing about S and D is, if your right, which I very much doubt, they will be able to hide it so easily. And of course the 'best' of all - Hirsch referring to him as 'eye candy'. Haven't seen her hovering so closely with her other clients (around 275 of them, and some of them pretty high-profile eg Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Tommy Lee Jones, Lily Tomlin, Jodie Foster, Lisa Kudrow, Pierce Brosnan). Based on these types of innuendos, I would be in a relationship or dating all my friends I go to the movies with. 'Samgia' is on, people!!! Bloodshot must be really bad, if they need this shorthanded kind of PR for Sam. Busted face. The troll wouldn't be trying to derail these threads..". Im a book reader who read Outlander within a year of publication. And I still have more in drafts waiting for the right time to publish. And that would be very wise. POSTER 2: scared much? Yes, here we go again.Straight (pun intended) out of the JA bearding playbook : - The pap walk just happened to be in a very busy tourist area on a Saturday afternoon (so private, unlike his real private life) with fans there with their cameras for that candid shot; - various bloggers had just happened to be fed a heads up name, which they did not pass on - spoilsports; - shes US and US based - convenient for FIFO; - Apparently he just happened to follow her on IG before he went to Vegas, and she has Lionsgate links and attends a lot of their events. Some features on this site require a subscription. I believe Mm was a beard so the explanation is clear to me. As for chemistry This is really heavy and cool, Phoebe Waller-Bridge said during her GG acceptance speech today. He couldnt see himself making it work with someone who had their own life to live. Hello and thank you for registering. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. Huge backfire". When will they realise he's been manipulating people all the way to the bank? He even worked in a plug for Sassenach Spirits in his New Years message. Even though he grew up in Dumfries and Galloway, Heughan worked in London and America for years. New SamCait content. Passionate about Scotland, Whisky, Tequila @sassenachspirits and fitness!Watch the latest video from Sam Heughan (@samheughan). Call me cynical but does he need to go , to the presumably, vast expense of developing further products when all he has to do is 'buy in ' other products and offer them under his own brand name. He didnt have to do much at all. But they have been periodically exchanging tweets and comments for quite a while. Madden may have more success as a heartthrob, but it's sort of incidental. Sam Heughan fans are in a frenzy after the actor shared the latest trailer for his new film Love Again.. I think his body is extremely masculine , although not his gestures.In the early days when he had long curly hair , scruffy beard and a tendency to wear some kind of lip tint I thought he looked disturbingly like a fairground bearded lady with strong cross dressing vibes but he still had that beautiful androgynous face. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). I'm pretty sure this is Sam Heughan from Outlander - lovely guy in real life. ie The Showmance, the Fauxmance and the lie. I don't know that he doesn't give a fuck..he might just call him of send him a (personal) message. Purv and her mate Camuso may just be attention-whores babbling on by themselves in their own little bubble, but if Purv is being orchestrated by JA etc to promote the player image, it's just making SH look ridiculous. Well. God, now he's wearing a Sassenach Spirit sporran - bet my Scottish ancestors are rolling in their graves. To those guys Heughan's a milk cow. These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. @mariaae This post is one of your very best. Jesus, Heughan. A lot of tumblr speculation about SH and Skelton being in a relationship he touched her bare leg at the Con!! Heughan and former Outlander cast member, Graham McTavish, who played Dougal MacKenzie, appeared on Good Morning America to announce their new show coming to Starz . His embarrassing public pick me pick me thirstiness on twitter about Bond at least seems to have diminished - he hasn't re-tweeted any of the three Bond odds articles of the last week or so. [R220] Agree I think there is something rather " grubby " about Heughans business activities, perhaps the fact that he is miss representing himself but mostly because of his blatant exploitation of gullible fans. The groups name refers to Manhattans Greenwich Village. He's lagging a bit - after the January to August girl of the month smoke and mirrors flurry, there doesn't seem to have been Sep, Oct - but then cultivating the image of a hetero player can be tiring. It was - what would DL know? And oh according to purv the woman/G is an aquarius just like one of his "exes"(ex-beards). Then SH/JA/PR team decided to go for hetero player lets see, we had Yoga Girl, mystery blonde, Ochoa, Hannah, Georgia, and probably a few more Ive forgotten. Also Cait must have glued herself to the walls at Graham's wedding lol. Seems to me he has 4 options. . R27 I don't like his current Bloodshot look .agree he looks incredibly tired. If I could only remember, where I saw it before.. Shitner, Purv and Camuso will hang around often being enthusiastically less than helpful , the Bond speculation will wax and wane - watch this space, the parade of cookie-cutter gfs may continue or a more steady candidate may emerge, or (please) he may keep his private life really private and lay off the PR games. But it doesnt make you a good fan to post about that. It wasn't all about Claire, though the acting was bad in general..Sam is definitely the best one they have. Jamie is a Scottish Superman, for sure! Nothing to see there but a useful opportunity to sell 'straight' I guess. The troll wouldn't be trying to derail these threads and Heughan's PR agent would be delighted that her client in the entertainment industry was getting buzz. Heughan shilling his " Bottoms Up Whiskey " on IG this evening, sounds as if it's about to be released for sale. A blogger is saying Camuso was invited to the OL5 premiere. Thanx. Eye-F*** selfies and constant self promotion. Pity. Heughan considers it a compliment and not 'hate' to be called homosexual. We all know, that he can do much better if he is relaxed. ". Sam and Luke arriving at Japan, March 2016. She seems to also have missed SH's comment at the TCA that he is single. Well, he's been well and truly bitten by the fame and fortune bug of it now, with all the sacrifices it entails. . He needs to take a break from the tweeting and the selfies - please, for Christmas. Madden has never denied being gay like closeted Heughan did in his embarrassing 'gays are camp' interview the night before TSWDM premiere. He can never be ruled out of course but it just doesn't ring true. He has NEVER mentioned his sexuality on Twitter. Muscles come and go. Who the hell styles this guy ? But as he becomes better known and his career takes off, if it does of course, and gets a much wider fan range, if Purv keeps jabbering away, her hetero player selling contortions are going to look bizarre to newbies (The Magical Golden Dirk? Yeh? Awww! Needed matching earrings though for the complete look. r402 - Yes, the modest humble Heughan seems to have been subsumed as his career has developed. Has Heughan ever looked beyond the boxing prowess to what a homophobic jerk this guy really is? These behaviours just sit very uncomfortably with a straight guy. ". I just wish he would concentrate on his career rather than his shilling and his PR games. Re-inventing history. It was a nice interview, he looked much better than on the WW fan pics even though it was on the same day. BTW, whoever allowed two Diesel movies to be scheduled for release so close to each other ought to be drummed out of the movie business. Still, if he and his PR lot think he has a real chance, he will probably veer more toward the mature and serious contender image rather than the heart-throb look, but still firmly hetero of course. It has been said before here on DL it's soul erroding, you will lose yourself living like this. AMONG OTHERS THINGS: OUTLANDER,ROBERT PATTINSON , NCIS, NCIS LA, Supernatural, Paul Walker,Grey's Anatomy, Metallica, the Beatles, Downton Abbey, Fast and Furious, CHRIS EVANS,, SEBASTIAN STAN, the Peanuts, & the Big Bang Theory. And, Why not post a pic of he and some girl and stop trying to act like his private life has some sacred line no one can cross. r286 He would sell copies of the bus timetable, charging more for an autographed copy, and charge a fee if you wanted to sit down in the shelter. Moving goalposts to suit the narratives: "Its too bad it will never be for the Highlander and the Viking Goddess shes too old for his usual tastes, and given her multiple black belts, would likely kicks his ass. I suspect that Bloodshot would have tanked anyway - many reviews were terrible, but at least SH wasn't carrying the movie and corona has given him an excuse - still, cold comfort, and another impetus to keep up (and stuff up) the hetero image as he searches for more roles. I hope his Newman spot does well but he seems determined to be a super hetero HW action guy and that is a waste of his talent and a big personal price to pay. Thus type of article doesn't do SH many favours. Why do I have to keep explaining the obvious around here? Critics 2,5/5,00. His acting ability is very limited hence the business ventures are his way to insure his financial future. Of course it suited gay Heughan to do so..he's now lost his cover ! The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. If, and it is IF, this is true and not a false feed, he would have to know that there was a strong likelihood that he would be seen and maybe snapped so why do it? I knew only about 2 names on the list. Probably cross country skiing would be safest but he was definitely alpine skiing. The article. Yet when told he was gay she was horrified and refused to watch again. The fan who posted this sighting in Memphis knows who Alex Norouzi is, so she would have mentioned it. Being featured in a gay magazine? Which leads me to speculate he might still be in a serious relationship from before he was famous, someone he was settled with who would understand and be prepared to wait i.e. Anything is possible. Pity). Only had room service, didn't come to the bar, never was seen checking in or out. And of course the persistent Shippers have money, and so they have to be kept on board with innuendo, hearts eyes and SM games. $$ 20 is expensive. Me, of all people. Moreover, the gay community is highly protective and no gay director would have talked to this supposed source about his lead actor. One of the more popular seems to be this one in that article published in April 2016 - couldn't find the image separate without it being embedded in the puerile frat boy interview (including Shitner on the phone - how long can two brats drag out talking about farts?) They have been secretly together for 4 years and both saw the closeting as a temporary thing, but as his bf's career has continued to expand, there now seems to be no end date to the game-playing. Now, not so much. It was like he was back on the battlefields of Culloden again in Outlander. Don't blame him..and of course as a closeted gay man he's living a lie, a life of concealment. R516 MPC/Great Glen Company has a very small team of employees and most of those employees are working on MPC. They'll be pushing for her to get another GG award (the last two of which were completely undeserved). Well, since you asked, its because youre an asshole who doesnt know what the hell youre talking about. It's Hannah James, folks. ah, the hubris of celebrities who believe their own publicity ! Her makeup looked flawless and she looked relaxed and happy. Whatever, only she moved from Vancouver to Scotland because she is so obsessed with him, book, show, etc. I know they are friends and business partners but they spend so much ' down time ' together I've often wondered if Norouzi is in the closet with Heughan. In the previous thread 4 one of the last comments was about whisky, yes I agree that Sam's whisky might do wel for a few years as long as OL is populair. The pair both posted the photo of Camuso and Gabaldon smiling for the camera. He never never ever stops marketing his whisky .Heughan is fast becoming a bore ! r366 Yeh, it can be pretty frustrating. Sam Heughan said hes not gay, good enough for me, [On The Eve Of The Release Of TSWDM? Hes gay. Interesting. (Yes, Ive read most or all previous threads.). But yes, max 4 weeks in the theaters, then straight to DVD or VOD in Europe. And it goes on. a mix of both? seriously though I wonder where this will end, I mean even furniture now??!! You outed yourself, genius. Plenty of celebrities had the means to travel during the height of the pandemic last year, and they chose to proceed at their own risk. But then he's not aware of his gay fans, is he? Someone is certainly suddenly putting a lot of money behind him with this gust of bets. {R194] Also noted the trend to place Skelton beside Heughan instead of Rankin. His hibbling around on the seat, his hands nervously kneading. Everything is already said: Classic win/loose situation. And he will still like images of the bums of almost naked women its too valuable a weapon to stress that he is a red-blooded hetero man Im straight, Im straight. Meanwhile Camuso has crawled back out, joining with Purv to speculate that Heughan is in LA to spend Thanksgiving with a woman. Just because Heughan was snubbed last year doesn't mean he's also out this year. Till such time as he comes out of the closet [ and I do look forward to that day ] option [4] seems the least hard work and the one that keeps his chosen career on track. And the Omaze date competition reeled in the customers. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site If I wish to approve posts I assume I click on the WW symbol below the posts but what does the FF symbol stand for ? bat-cat-reader. JA needs to focus attention on fitting him out with appropriate clothing, not girl blonde of the month. After the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the group officially changed its name to Sam and the Delta Variants. So bring on the breadcrumbs. are just a few.(none of the pictures are mine and do not . Thought I recognised her sign-on address or whatever you call it from a few book reviews so I checked out her Facebook. Once you did, you began to share it with people who would never have known I accused Meokeob of being Camuso if you hadnt brought it to their attention in the first place. He likes the posts of a hell of a lot of people. He does spend rather a lot of time flirting with Tobias Menzies , you almost wonder if he had some sort of crush on him. Until one of them gets a real believable girlfriend then this is an option.". But hey, it all helps that manly image he really really wants. She's mentally checked out of OL, unless she can be the only star, but he still needs the OL magic, such as it still is, including Jamie and Claire being sexiest couple. r591 He sure does. I've recently been reading Guy Hocquenghem in an attempt to understand the homophobic mind and why heterosexuals get to decide what is sexually normal or abnormal i.e. Actually I think I never posted that Anon. We're on season five just now and will definitely be doing a sixth". Read some fanatical Twitter feeds where Heughans female fans are screaming fuck off at each other. Heughan gives every impression of a man determined to take as much money as he can, in any way he can, from his legion of blindly worshipping fans..he'll be laughing all the way to the bank. - Replying to @fiftiesteacher @chrisazzopardi and 4 others Yes, he is, Rhonda. [R512] You make a good point about a liquor distribution trip but surely that would be a job for an employee/salesman not for directors. Just makes him look more gay (heaven forbid). [R339] You need a strong stomach to follow Heughans career ! Does not ring true. In wearing that suit Heughan just stepped out of the closethe looked so gay. Cinemas are not allowed to have more than 100 people in a room here and I think that after this weekend they will be closed altogether. Heughans worn the knees of his jeans out praying he might become the next Bond. As to the "Paul Newman movie," that's the sort of prestige project that may not rely too much on someone with a two-day part showing up on the red carpet with the bimbo-beard du jour for its publicity. Log in Sign up. 00:00. They are offering for you to buy an extra member outside of your residence for $7.99 + tax for one device if you have the Standard plan and two extra members if you have the Premium. And the app could be a possible beard market, an 'elite' one even. - Hunts with aggressive flock members such as Shitner and Camuso. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. He has gone from an outsider, even though he is Scottish, to apparently the front runner betting-wise. Of course I am. Usually beard selling has at least some element of subtlety (supposed to look even a bit credible after all), but by being so illogical, so farcical (the Magical Golden Dirk?? Message to Sam Heughan. Hello, I make a query. He can't bank on OL in the longer term, so even more impetus to fleece worshippers and keep the closet door shut. That would make 301 leather jackets here in the closet with me. Meanwhile, here he is shilling red bottoms for ca$h. It's already a shitshow..can't believe this is happening again. While she may have been selected as the next gf after a hiatus following MM, TunaBrat showed herself a callous airhead who giggled at the inept bludgeoning (rather than humane stunning) death of a poor tuna in Hawaii (shed previously been on IG laughing at hitting a deer). Because a gay Heughan is not acceptable but we all know better.. hopefully he will find the courage to lose this shit. Could be a risky venture as one poster here has already stated " the whisky market is very crowded. - beware of spluttering your coffee or beverage of choice over the keyboard when you read the last sentence or so of this post. Yet, new girl seen with is younger than SS and seems very immatureand dirty. With those legs minis should be a wardrobe staple. Trying way too hard. Playmate gained some new horny grannies followers, gay actor Sam Heughan lost again a good portion of his dignity and reputation. haha, "If Heughan were straight nobody would say boo about our discussion. Hi, everyone. What does sailing dude think of JA's latest PR approach? Purv is back to Hannah, and she's also dragging up Katie Rebekah who was supposedly Heughan's girlfriend 2011/2012. Thank you [R274] I notice when I press the WW button the FF button goes blank as well so you may be right. There may be a bounce in numbers with new Netflix viewers, but not guaranteed. Then there is always Beards R Us JA must have quite a few options on her books. Get it together, Sam, get security advice. ".the best dressed men this year schooled us in textural play, the art of layering, and the importance of a proper-fitting garment." Its New Years Day. First episode of OL season 5 corny beyond belief but Heughan looked magnificent in Tartan, buckskin and Leather. It's enormously pleasing to your ego to have people recognise you,praise you're work to high heaven,hang on you're every word and scream when they see you [ even though they are only women ] We are all human..who in all honesty wouldn't be tempted to make that Faustian pact and closet. As for the upcoming third season of "Outlander," showrunner Ronald D. Moore teased to Gold Derby recently: "It's very exciting. Have you had a look at the pictures from NYCC? My agent will probably say something different, my publicist will certainly say the opposite. R347 I sometimes wonder how Purv/Camuso get paid for all their crap. And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. It started out in 1978 when they wouldn't allow a protest march so a mardi gras was held instead - couldn't legally be banned. Not cool! I've Googled but can't find information, is his part in Bloodshot a major character in lots of scenes through out the film or a slightly larger than cameo role but someone who might get killed off half way through etc ? [249] While were at it, Sam, please refrain from wearing jeans with holes in the knees. Speaking of James Bond, this has been a bit of a success story for SH. A bit of a Freudian slip, Heughan? {R44] Agree. Although new OL books may sustain the fans interest. He certainly has the CV for it. Straight fantasies and money - and the closet. Of love, heartbreak, tragic, funny, about the fandom but almost always revolving around Outlander, its characters and our favorite couple. Why not in 2014? eg. So, just because Sams new squeeze may have licked a few in her day (Im not saying she has, just hypothetical), doesnt mean she doesnt partake in the big D as well. Despite a lot of effort, Starz has not been successful in selling Skelton and Rankin as the new couple to ship (off-screen Skelton/Rankin relationship hints have looked as fake as SH/Mauzy). Thanks to everyone who is now following Todays Fresh Hell. - $$$, you'd be in that. Great look, SH. Happy New Year [ correction should read [R287]. Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . I'm sure some, maybe even a lot, are very comfortable with it, but it can be bloody tough. And according to the videos I saw, the fans where treated like milk cows in the milking machine. r143 I'd say so. If Heughan were straight nobody would say boo about our discussion. He isn't always there and thst is awfully close to another commitment he has. Didn't say much at all, and in carefully neutral language. There is even a Tbag replacement holding the door for her. Lucky for Madden, he has a different publicist. R73 yup, at least there is no new beard for now but he still likes all MM's posts on SM it seems(like why). The most hilarious thing is the amount of people who shares the thought via private message but dont dare bring it up in their blogs because its unpopular and it costs you followers and friendships plus anon hate and the bad fan label. Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. Or did she think it was better for his image to eat granola at the same clif bar as Georgia..the silly innuendos never end it seems and it's starting to look more and more ridiculous. Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot.." A Wee Dram Of Whisky " contains quite a lot of calories. Wanting it both ways ' has come to signify Heughans behaviour in the last few years, IMO. Heughan does know who he is, but he is quite prepared to be what he thinks other people want him to be. And OP, we're nearing 600, and we need a part 6 of this thread set up and linked please. You don't hire a rottweiler like Jennifer Allen unless you're shamed into it -- or as Heughan put it in a red carpet interview at the 2016 Golden Globes, they were going to "lock me in a box. " Its what we do with disappointments, no? Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so.