The Blood of the Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly, or by intinction, or by means of a tube or a spoon. 3a, b: AAS 59 (1967), pp. The dignity of the word of God requires that the church have a place that is suitable for the proclamation of the word and toward which the attention of the whole congregation of the faithful naturally turns during the Liturgy of the Word.[117]. [107] At the same time, the faithful should be encouraged to seek to participate more eagerly in this sacred rite, by which the sign of the Eucharistic banquet is made more fully evident. Care must be taken that whatever may remain of the Blood of Christ after the distribution of Communion is consumed immediately and completely at the altar. 198-207; Codex Iuris Canonici, cann. The procession bringing the gifts is accompanied by the Offertory chant (cf. Fill us with you spirit as we praise and worship you and be with those who do not know you. The reading of the Gospel is the high point of the Liturgy of the Word. These readings should be followed strictly. 31. MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Lent ends with the beginning of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursdaythe only Mass permitted on this day. 195. 301. Accompanied by two ministers with lighted candles, the veiled cross is brought to the center of the sanctuary in procession. In these instances the sign of the unity of the priesthood and also of the Church inherent in every concelebration is made more clearly manifest.[103]. The priest himself or some other minister may also very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day. 20. 122. In addition, microphones that may be needed to amplify the priests voice should be arranged discreetly. The adaptations to the Ordo Lectionum Missae as contained in the Lectionary for Mass for use in the dioceses of the United States of America should be carefully observed. 41. After the collect, all sit. Once the people have gathered, the priest and ministers, clad in the sacred vestments, go in procession to the altar in this order: The thurifer carrying a thurible with burning incense, if incense is used; The ministers who carry lighted candles, and between them an acolyte or other minister with the cross; A lector, who may carry the Book of the Gospels (though not the Lectionary), which should be slightly elevated; If incense is used, before the procession begins, the priest puts some in the thurible and blesses it with the Sign of the Cross without saying anything. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Seor . During Mass, three genuflections are made by the priest celebrant: namely, after the showing of the host, after the showing of the chalice, and before Communion. 63. 206. 344. 77. An altar whether fixed or movable is dedicated according to the rite prescribed in the Roman Pontifical; but it is permissible for a movable altar simply to be blessed. 42; Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium, no. After the incensation of the altar, he goes to the chair together with the priest, takes his place there at the side of the priest and assists him as necessary. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. It is therefore recommended that the priest celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice even daily, if possible.[30]. 0000004811 00000 n
It is fitting that such a prayer be included, as a rule, in Masses celebrated with a congregation, so that petitions will be offered for the holy Church, for civil authorities, for those weighed down by various needs, for all men and women, and for the salvation of the whole world. 14: AAS 59 (1967), p. 304. 9; Codex Iuris Canonici, can. When the Alleluia is begun, all rise, except for a Bishop, who puts incense into the thurible without saying anything and blesses the deacon or, if there is no deacon, the concelebrant who is to proclaim the Gospel. In the earthly Liturgy, the Church participates, by a foretaste, in that heavenly Liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which she journeys as a pilgrim, and where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God; and by venerating the memory of the Saints, she hopes one day to have some part and fellowship with them.[132]. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. If Communion is given under both kinds, the deacon himself administers the chalice to the communicants; and, when the distribution is completed, he immediately and reverently consumes at the altar all of the Blood of Christ that remains, assisted if necessary by other deacons and priests. 280). xYKoX[Kb}JfNQ5fA nY9^Mh [25] Cf. 12: AAS 59 (1967), pp. Then the priest bows profoundly and says the Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart) and, afterwards, reads the Gospel. 125. [57] Cf. When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel. [100] Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Ministeria quaedam, 15 August 1972: AAS 64 (1972), p. 532. 0000011439 00000 n
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Then the Act of Penitence takes place, and, if required by the rubrics, the Kyrie and Gloria are said. As for variations and the more substantial adaptations in view of the traditions and culture of peoples and regions, to be introduced in accordance with article 40 of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy because of benefit or need, the norms set forth in the Instruction On the Roman Liturgy and Inculturation[36] and in nos. It may also be worn in Offices and Masses for the Dead (cf. For example, one deacon may be assigned to take the sung parts, another to serve at the altar; if there are several readings, it is well to distribute them among a number of lectors. It is permitted to mention Coadjutor and Auxiliary Bishops in the Eucharistic Prayer, but not other Bishops who happen to be present. A concelebrated Mass, whatever its form, is arranged in accordance with the norms commonly in force (cf. With him lies responsibility above all for fostering the spirit of the sacred Liturgy in the priests, deacons, and faithful. When the homily is completed, a period of silence may be observed. The faithful should stand from the beginning of the Entrance chant, or while the priest approaches the altar, until the end of the collect; for the Alleluia chant before the Gospel; while the Gospel itself is proclaimed; during the Profession of Faith and the Prayer of the Faithful; from the invitation, Orate, fratres (Pray, brethren), before the prayer over the offerings until the end of Mass, except at the places indicated below. The Roman Missal, whether in Latin or in lawfully approved vernacular translations, is to be published in its entirety. 331. 83. 24: AAS 59 (1967), p. 554. Where it is indicated in the rubrics, the celebrant is permitted to adapt them somewhat in order that they respond to the understanding of those participating. 2 0 obj
142. [146] Cf. 0000003865 00000 n
22. CHAPTER II The Structure of the Mass, Its Elements and Its Parts, 27. If, however, their number is great, seats should be arranged in another part of the church, but near the altar. If incense is used, the acolyte presents the thurible to the priest and assists him while he incenses the gifts, the cross, and the altar. may very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day. 13 0 obj
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21. From the Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) to the Et supplices (May all of us who share) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Qui cum passioni (Before he was given up to death) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; The Memores igitur (In memory of his death) and the Et supplices (May all of us who share) with hands extended. 377. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 86. 93. The rites preceding the Liturgy of the Word, namely the Entrance, Greeting, Act of Penitence, Kyrie, Gloria, and collect, have the character of a beginning, introduction, and preparation. 0000012732 00000 n
40; Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimae, 25 January 1994, no. The adaptations spoken of below that call for a wider degree of coordination are to be decided, in accord with the norm of law, by the Conference of Bishops. Since the Eucharistic Celebration is the Paschal Banquet, it is desirable that in keeping with the Lords command, his Body and Blood should be received as spiritual food by the faithful who are properly disposed. 92). When the distribution of Communion is completed, the deacon returns to the altar with the priest and collects the fragments, if any remain, and then carries the chalice and other sacred vessels to the credence table, where he purifies them and arranges them in the usual way while the priest returns to the chair. If a prayer over the people or a solemn formula for the blessing is used, the deacon says, Inclinate vos ad benedictionem (Bow your heads and pray for Gods blessing). It is a praiseworthy practice to cover the chalice with a veil, which may be either the color of the day or white. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, no 92: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. When Mass is celebrated for a particular dead person, the special formula may be inserted in the place indicated, namely, before the Memento etiam (Remember our brothers and sisters). PDF HOLY THURSDAY EVENING MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER - St. Gerald If it is sung, it is begun by the priest or, if this is appropriate, by a cantor or by the choir. The duties that the acolyte may carry out are of various kinds and several may coincide. [106] Cf. The commemoration of the dead (Memento) and the Nobis quoque peccatoribus (Though we are sinners) are appropriately assigned to one or other of the concelebrants, who speaks them aloud alone, with hands extended. Then the priest begins the Eucharistic Prayer. endobj
The priest incenses the offerings with three swings of the thurible or by making the sign of the cross over the offerings with the thurible before going on to incense the cross and the altar. 123. 163. <>
26-27: AAS 87 (1995), pp. Afterwards, when appropriate, the priest adds, Offerte vobis pacem (Let us offer each other the sign of peace). It is particularly appropriate that he should place the Book of the Gospels on the altar, after which, together with the priest, he venerates the altar with a kiss. When there is only one reading before the Gospel. Codex Iuris Canonici, can. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 88. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. 14 0 obj
72. Another way of dividing a Mass is into its "ordinary" partsthose texts which, with some variations, are part of the Mass on a daily basisand its "proper" partsthe texts of prayers and selection of Scripture readings proper to the specific feast, feria or other occasion being observed. What is the Mass or Liturgy? ii43/ErOg[="J"LF#=hto`LcT[r7tqekUjA*/PB 107), the distribution of Holy Communion under both kinds (cf. The new Missal, therefore, while bearing witness to the Roman Churchs rule of prayer (lex orandi), also safeguards the deposit of faith handed down by the more recent Councils and marks in its own right a step of great importance in liturgical tradition. The bread and wine for the Eucharist are carried to the celebrant, who places them upon the altar, while other gifts are put in another appropriate place (cf. [134] Cf. Then, as appropriate, a few moments of silence may be observed. 806-811; for Masses with children, cf. The priest gives the sign of peace to the minister, if appropriate. The Creed is not said" (EM, no. This should take place under the direction of the rector of the church and after the consultation with the faithful about things that directly pertain to them. It is not permitted to substitute other chants for those found in the Order of Mass, such as at the Agnus Dei. It is up to the Conferences of Bishops to provide for the translations of the biblical texts used in the celebration of Mass, exercising special care in this. [86] Cf. 362); The form of the gesture of peace (cf. The concluding rites are carried out as at a Mass with a congregation, but the dismissal formula is omitted. [127] Cf. 208. These adaptations include. 0000013406 00000 n
It is appropriate that the commemoration of the living (the Memento) and the Communicantes (In union with the whole Church) be assigned to one or other of the concelebrating priests, who then speaks these prayers aloud, with hands extended. The faithful, moreover, should not refuse to serve the People of God gladly whenever they are asked to perform some particular ministry or function in the celebration. These ministers should not approach the altar before the priest has received Communion, and they are always to receive from the hands of the priest celebrant the vessel containing either species of the Most Holy Eucharist for distribution to the faithful. 0000000572 00000 n
Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, nos. For its part, the Bishops Conference should draw up a proper calendar for the nation or, together with other Conferences, a calendar for a wider territory, to be approved by the Apostolic See.[153]. O_h\zx\#MRg#Ox>^lO3 2V_o# [126] Moreover, it is appropriate that, before it is put into liturgical use, it be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual. 378. 128). With both hands he holds it slightly raised above the altar and says quietly, Benedictus es, Domine (Blessed are you, Lord). [18], Above all, the Second Vatican Council, which urged that more perfect form of participation in the Mass by which the faithful, after the priests Communion, receive the Lords Body from the same Sacrifice,[19] called for another desire of the Fathers of Trent to be realized, namely that for the sake of a fuller participation in the holy Eucharist the faithful present at each Mass should communicate not only by spiritual desire but also by sacramental reception of the Eucharist.[20], 14. The commentator, who provides the faithful, when appropriate, with brief explanations and commentaries with the purpose of introducing them to the celebration and preparing them to understand it better. It is recommended on other days, especially on the weekdays of Advent, Lent, and the Easter Season, as well as on other festive days and occasions when the people come to church in greater numbers.[66]. [87] What is said about the choir also applies, in accordance with the relevant norms, to other musicians, especially the organist. 0000001016 00000 n
The priest, having put incense into the thurible, blesses it with the sign of the Cross, without saying anything. "+~d|)]rLH"F(> NazYvMpCTLPGf5To6o\uO[X g*\s~86T3U97)yPb6Zpbn,O>
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On Sundays, especially in the Season of Easter, in place of the customary Act of Penitence, from time to time the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall Baptism may take place.[56]. <>
[14] Ecumenical Council of Trent, Session 22, Doctrina de ss. Then the Priest says the Collect prayer, at the end of which Then, as appropriate, a few moments of silence may be observed so that all may meditate on what they have heard. 117. 395. PDF PROCESSION OF HOLY OILS INTO THE PARISH CHURCH - Roman Catholic Diocese 298-299. The priest celebrant, the deacon, and the other ministers have places in the sanctuary. 303. 54: AAS 59 (1967), p. 568; cf. Facing the altar, the priest then partakes of the Body of Christ. Then the principal celebrant, facing the altar, says quietly, Corpus Christi custodiat me ad vitam aeternam (May the body of Christ bring me to everlasting life), and reverently receives the Body of Christ. 127. At times, a longer and shorter form of the same text is given. It is also permissible to leave the vessels that need to be purified, suitably covered, at the credence table on a corporal, and to purify them immediately after Mass following the dismissal of the people. 202, 374) and the establishing of norms regarding the function of serving the priest at the altar (cf. If there are several persons present who are able to exercise the same ministry, nothing forbids their distributing among themselves and performing different parts of the same ministry or duty. 154. Finally, concerning the other formulas: Some constitute an independent rite or act, such as the Gloria, the responsorial Psalm, the Alleluia and verse before the Gospel, the Sanctus, the Memorial Acclamation, and the cantus post communionem (song after communion); Others accompany another rite, such as the chants at the Entrance, at the Offertory, at the fraction (Agnus Dei), and at Communion. In the choice of materials for church appointments there should be a concern for genuineness of materials and an intent to foster the instruction of the faithful and the dignity of the entire sacred place. In the celebration of the Mass with a congregation, the readings are always proclaimed from the ambo. 322. CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP AND THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS. They likewise bear witness to the Churchs continuous and unbroken tradition, irrespective of the introduction of certain new features. Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. At a Mass celebrated by a priest with only one minister to assist him and to make the responses, the rite of Mass with a congregation is followed (cf. <>
[132] Cf. The principal celebrant, if appropriate, also incenses the cross and the altar and then goes to the chair. The organ and other lawfully approved musical instruments are to be placed in an appropriate place so that they can sustain the singing of both the choir and the congregation and be heard with ease by all if they are played alone. [161] Cf. [82] Cf. 232. The gestures and posture of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the people, ought to contribute to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity, so that the true and full meaning of the different parts of the celebration is evident and that the participation of all is fostered. 66. 298. 387, 388-393). -in vesting order for C, biretta, amice, alb, white23 cincture, maniple, stole and chasuble.-white cope and humeral veil for the Translation.24