14. Exam applicants are eligible to re-test after 45 days. The practice is not in effect until all requirements are met. Thus, a license issued prior to August 31 will expire December 31 of that same year if it is a renewal year for that license type. You must still be eligible in the State where you originally applied for licensure. {label: "What is the reinstatement fee? If nursing courses and textbooks was not taught in English, provide the proof of passing an English Proficiency Exam. Does this count? }); According to the Ohio Board of Nursing, you can check your renewal status through your Ohio eLicense account. ", slug: "does-my-application-have-to-be-notarized", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/does-my-application-have-to-be-notarized/"}, ", slug: "what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-must-be-reported-concerning-discipline-by-another-state-board-of-nursing/"}, CE for renewal must be earned following issuance of the permanent license. The renewal link will be available 60 days prior to license expiration. Individuals who took the PN exam after partial completion of an RN program and became licensed as an LPN or LVN in another state are not eligible to apply for licensure by endorsement per Alabama law. Each state has a nursing board, so contact the board in your state to find out how to reactivate your expired nursing license. (Chronic offenders are a different story). Note: The burden of proof lies with the applicant to demonstrate evidence of rehabilitation. strives to promote and safeguard Retired status means the licensee is not working in FL (has retired from practice) and has paid a $55 fee to receive a Retired license. Please do not submit any supporting documentation (verification, transcript, CE, or citizenship) prior to completing the electronic application and fee payment. If you are addicted to alcohol or other drugs, this may also cause a problem, particularly if you have not had treatment. It is possible to come off of retired status in the future, but that is not the intent of this status. However, The ABN will not issue a license until a copy of your social security card has been received by the ABN. If you are a United State citizen you need to mail in this checklist. Your first best step is to check with your state nursing board for their specific license renewal criteria. Review the requirements and the step-by-step guide below. return { 'name': item.label, 'value': score } {label: "What if the name I use doesnt match my identification? The hours and fee would depend on how long your license has been expired. Be a graduate of a nursing education program approved by the proper authorities in the country where the program is located. The application requires an attestation by the applicant as to the accuracy and completeness of the information to the Alabama Board of Nursing. {label: "What is included on a verification? The name that you list on the application will be the name under which you arelicensed. You will have to answer questions in the following categories: License Type; Education; Exam & TempPermit; Regulatory Questions; Preview; and Affirm, Pay & Submit. If there was no Order of the Board which revoked my license and I voluntarily surrendered, why did I surrender my license and have I addressed that issue? ", slug: "may-i-get-a-refund", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-get-a-refund/"}, Awards. setTimeout(function() { Yes. Submit a notarized copy of your current nursing license. Content relevant to Nurse's Practice Attention RNs: If you did not . The licensee did not submit a license renewal application prior to January 31, 2016. {label: "What documentation must I submit if some or all of my CE is listed in my Individual CE Record? You may not use CEs you used for reinstatement toward the next renewal of your license. {label: "What is the $3.50 charge on my credit card when I pay for my license? ", slug: "in-applying-for-a-temporary-permit-how-do-i-submit-a-notarized-copy-of-my-license-if-my-current-state-of-licensure-does-not-issue-license-cards-or-if-the-cards-issued-do-not-include-effective-dates", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-my-current-state-of-licensure-no-longer-issues-license-cards-in-order-to-submit-a-notarized-copy-of-it-for-issuance-of-a-temporary-permit/"}, research before making any education decisions. However, the Board is aware that costs are usually about $4000. Access the Application for Licensure by Endorsement. Offenses must be reported to the Board even if you received a suspended imposition of sentence and the record is now considered closed. {label: "What if I was an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) when I was actively deployed and I want to reinstate that approval as well? {label: "What documentation will I have to submit if I have to answer Yes to a Regulatory Question? ", slug: "may-i-have-someone-else-complete-the-online-application-for-me", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-have-someone-else-complete-the-online-application-for-me/"}, Although you may call the Board, there are many factors that only you, the potential applicant know, so the Board will be unable to assist you regarding those issues. ", slug: "what-if-i-had-an-lpn-license-in-alabama-but-now-im-an-rn-in-another-state", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-i-had-an-lpn-license-in-alabama-but-now-im-an-rn-in-another-state/"}, be of good moral character. {label: "If my license is reinstated, how long will I be on probation? {label: "May I be issued a temporary permit while I earn CE hours for Reinstatement? More information on the reinstatement process can be found online at the Boards reinstatement information page (https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-many-contact-hours-of-continuing-education-are-required-for-reinstatement-of-a-lapsed-license/). No. break; Immediately cease and desist from all activities as an RN and an Advanced Practice Nurse. A permanent license will not be issued until it is received. Requirements for a license lapsed for more than 3 years include: Contactinformation is on the form. ", slug: "do-i-have-to-work-as-a-nurse-if-my-license-is-reinstated", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-have-to-work-as-a-nurse-if-my-license-is-reinstated/"}, ", slug: "what-english-proficiency-exams-are-accepted-by-the-abn", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-english-proficiency-exams-are-accepted-by-the-abn/"}, {label: "May I have the verification submitted via fax? The Alabama Administrative Code Chapter 610-X-4-.14 explains and lists the fee schedule. You must submit a detailed written explanation of the circumstances surrounding the event(s) which you aredisclosing on your application. Requirements for a license lapsed from 61 days to 3 years include: filing of the appropriate relicensure application and fees. You must have 24 contact hours of CE to have a complete application for reinstatement For further information regarding continuing education, please refer to the Reinstatement section of the Boards website. Neuropsychological and cognitive testing, drug testing, and any other testing deemed appropriate by the evaluation team may also be included. {label: "What happens if I forgot my credit card payment or used another card (family/friend) to pay for my license fee and a dispute was filed for the fee and charge to be taken back from the ABN? ", slug: "how-do-i-obtain-continuing-education-ce", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-do-i-obtain-continuing-education-ce/"}, {label: "May I call the Board for assistance if I just dont know where to begin? {label: "Do I have to report criminal charges if I completed a period of probation and the charges were dismissed or the case was closed? If you previously held an Alabama nursing license and your license is now lapsed, you must apply for and have the license reinstated before returning to work as a nurse in this state. The certificates will be reviewed and approved for licensure reinstatement. ", slug: "do-i-have-to-report-criminal-charges-if-i-completed-a-period-of-probation-and-the-charges-were-dismissed-or-the-case-was-closed", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-have-to-report-criminal-charges-if-i-completed-a-period-of-probation-and-the-charges-were-dismissed-or-the-case-was-closed/"}, {label: "What can a nursing graduate do in a facility/agency with a temporary permit? Your school of nursing must be approved by the board of nursing of the state where it is located and the governing institution of the nursing program must be accredited by an organization recognized by the US Department of Education. {label: "How long do I have to complete the application process? var $requestedFaqAnchor = jQuery('[href="#faq/'+faq.slug+'"]:first'), Please note that regardless of fee disputes you are responsible to pay the license fee Failure to pay the license fee in a timely manner will result in a discipline case being opened against your license. var filtered_and_sorted_list = jQuery.map(source, function(item) { Requests for an Actively Deployed Application must be made directly to the ABN office. {label: "What is the CE earning period for reinstatement? {label: "What if I did not renew my license because I retired but now I wish to return to working as a nurse? ", slug: "what-is-the-3-50-charge-on-my-credit-card-when-i-pay-for-my-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-is-the-s3-50-charge-on-my-credit-card-when-i-pay-for-my-license/"}, If you failed to renew your license during the renewal period (annually between September 15 and October 31), you must meet all of the reinstatement requirements. 11 PO Box 303900 The applicant who receives a temporary permit is required to: Provide every employer the temporary permit for visual inspection. return jQuery.map(filtered_and_sorted_list, function(item){ However, APRNs holding RN multistate licenses in other Compact states still must apply for approval to engage in advanced practice nursing. No, you do not need a referral. {label: "What do I need to do to activate a license that lapsed while I was deployed? resultElement: 'div', ", slug: "do-i-need-a-referral-from-the-board-to-have-a-comprehensive-evaluation", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-need-a-referral-from-the-board-to-have-a-comprehensive-evaluation/"}, source: faqs, alignResultsContainer: true, For example, a nurse or applicant, who is a US Citizen, may complete the form and take a photo of the form with the persons Drivers License in view on the form and email the photo to the email address on the citizenship form. Many listings are from partners who compensate us, which may influence which Proof of community work, education, and/or self-improvement efforts. Applicants are expected to read the questions carefully and answer honestly. Licenses are valid for two (2) years. You should check for costs when you contact the provider. The costs are: Application Fee ($100), Transaction Fee ($3.50), and Temporary Permit ($50). For more information, please see the Endorsement to Licensure: General FAQs. {label: "What do I have to do, if am applying for Licensure by Examination and I am graduate of Foreign Nursing Program? The arrest is still on your record and must be reported. {label: "How long is the license period once it is issued? } Renewal deadline without penalty is August 31, 2024. ", slug: "what-if-my-name-is-different-from-the-one-i-am-listed-as-with-the-abn", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-my-name-is-different-from-the-one-i-am-listed-as-with-the-abn/"}, PLEASE NOTE: The multistate endorsement application is only for use by nurses who do not currently hold Alabama licenses. ", slug: "how-much-does-it-cost", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-much-does-it-cost-2/"}, Affirmative responses do not preclude an individual from licensure, but do prevent issuance of a Temporary Permit. 21. Examples of rehabilitation evidence include, but are not limited to: Court-issued certificate of rehabilitation or evidence of expungement, proof of compliance with criminal probation or parole, and orders of the court. For more information, please see the CE FAQs. ", slug: "what-if-i-took-the-nclex-in-another-state", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-if-i-took-the-nclex-in-another-state/"}, jQuery('#sf-search-64033ef705288').smartAutoComplete({ break; The Board accepts CES reports from the following organizations:. For instance, the renewal fee in Arizona is $160, then the late fee is another $50. If you have ever held an Alabama LPN or RN license but did not keep it current, then the status is Lapsed and you should reinstate it. If you are unsure how much CE you are required to demonstrate, you may request that this information be communicated to you when you submit your request for an Actively Deployed Application. ", slug: "may-i-apply-for-reinstatement-of-my-license-online", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/may-i-apply-for-reinstatement-of-my-license-online/"}, Registered Nurses renew in even years and Licensed Practical Nurses renew in odd years. $requestedFaqAnchor.parent('.superior-faq-title').click(); You will have to answer a question regarding citizenship and provide your Social Security Number. For further information see the Temporary Permit-Endorsement FAQs. resultElement: 'div', If you are expired no longer than 2 years, you must apply for reinstatement. Faxed transcripts are not accepted. To activate the collaboration under the APRN's Temporary Approval granted by the ABN, the physician will need to submit the Commencement of Collaborative Practice Form and $200 fe e on the Board of Medical Examiner's website ( https://www.albme.org/uploads/forms/collpraccommform.pdf) . Has anything occurred since the revocation of my license (i.e., arrests, convictions, etc.) Share our insider knowledge and tips! return; ", slug: "do-i-really-have-to-do-all-of-this-if-i-have-already-been-licensed-in-another-state-in-the-us", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/do-i-really-have-to-do-all-of-this-if-i-have-already-been-licensed-in-another-state-in-the-us/"}, The Board cannot make a determination for approval or denial of licensure until the entire application and supporting documentation is received and reviewed. Submit the appropriate checklist and copies of appropriate documents via email, fax, or mail. subtract_scrolling = parseInt(); No. ", slug: "if-my-school-is-not-approved-and-accredited-can-i-apply-for-licensure-by-examination-with-the-state-of-alabama", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/if-my-school-is-not-approved-and-accredited-can-i-apply-for-licensure-by-examination-with-the-state-of-alabama/"}, ", slug: "how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-license", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-a-license-2/"}, Renewal fees are usually around $50. Things happen, however, and it is good to know how to proceed if your license lapses at any time, so keep this information in mind. jQuery(this).trigger('lostFocus'); ", slug: "must-i-still-submit-ce-if-the-state-from-where-i-am-endorsing-does-not-require-it", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/must-i-still-submit-ce-if-the-state-from-where-i-am-endorsing-does-not-require-it/"}, The temporary permit is valid for a time period determined by the Board. ", slug: "how-do-i-obtain-a-transcript-if-my-nursing-program-has-closed", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/how-do-i-obtain-a-transcript-if-my-nursing-program-has-closed/"}, ", slug: "what-specific-information-am-i-expected-to-provide-in-the-license-type-section-of-the-application", permalink: "https://www.abn.alabama.gov/faq/what-specific-information-am-i-expected-to-provide-in-the-license-type-section-of-the-application-2/"}, }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { Understanding Your 2023 New Jersey Nursing License Renewal, Understanding Your Virginia Nursing License Renewal 2022, Nurse Continuing Education: Be Prepared in Case of an Audit.
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