I'm currently 34 weeks 2 days prego. I go back Friday to follow up again. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything bad. My first was in the 5th percentile for head circumference. I am going to ask about this at my next appointment, but wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this and if there was reason to be concerned. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. What a shitty response to your question by OB. Am also not googling!! Im just curious whatever ended up happening with your measurements and after birth? good! I feel the same, surely the doctor would have recommended more tests and a further scan at least. Their measurement may be inaccurate due to how baby is positioned or maybe it's just a small baby . You shouldnt have to be stressed about this and its your doctors responsibility to provide you with what you need to understand. For girls, the average weight at 15 is 115 pounds. I'm on my 6th, my babies always measured above 50th on everything except for their heads, they were anywhere from 3-10th percentile. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. The head circumference of the fetus by week: table - TostPost However, when I read the report it has my baby girls head circumstance (HC) measuring in the 2%. How did everything turn out? Measurements late in pregnancy are not very accurate to begin with. About a month ago I had an additional ultrasound at 28 weeks just to make sure the baby had all 5 fingers since at the anatomy scan at 20 weeks it was hard to get the pictures because of it's position. My last baby was 10th percentile and me and my partner are not big people. I went it for my first ultrasound at 8 weeks 1 day (Im positive of my dates). also if baby is head down the head can be pushed into the cervix and hard to measure. Shes 12 lbs now! Baby measuring 2 weeks behind?!?!? | BabyCenter From this ultrasound the babys measurements were: My daughter measured 3 weeks behind in the head at her anatomy scan. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Everything has been healthy and normal, shes just small. Also going through this just now. Wondering if anyone else is going through this or has had this happen in prior pregnancies Had a 32w3d ultrasound today (they treat me as high risk due to history of miscarriage) and everything about baby measured right on schedule except his head which measured almost 2 weeks behind. Im hoping someone maybe has some experience with this situation. However, this may not be apparent until many weeks, depending on the ultrasound method and uterine angle. I declined, but apparently they can detect a smaller head at that gestation? A baby measuring big means that he or she looks to be a bit bigger than what's considered average for the week you're at in your pregnancy. Thanks ladies. For mild forms of positional plagiocephaly, you can encourage a normal head shape by: 1. I have to formally kick count every day ( even though baby is usually really active ) and I have an ultrasound next week. His head measures smaller than average on ultrasounds and while at the pediatricians office when they would measure. The doctor said my baby's brain is functioning Normal but the head is very small, so they've suspected microcephaly. Sorry to hear you're going through this. Thank you oinktastic. Baby's head measured 2 weeks behind | BabyCenter TIA! This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. At my last scan (20 weeks) everything was measuring fine. other blood flow Doppler studies as indicated. For measuring 2 weeks behind? Create an account or log in to participate. Baby is measuring 2 weeks behind - February 2022 Birth Club Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. Hi, I had this with my 3rd. Published: April 17, 2019 at 9:41 am. I dont trust these estimates- they are just guessing! Today I went back to check growth and baby girl is growing and her head is still one week behind. So, naturally I'm worried. l. Lreay93. I'm going through the same thing. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. The only problem is that her head is small and they don . my belly measured the same for a whole month so my ob ordered a growth scan which I had today. Mine measured 3 weeks ahead last scan and i was 32 weeks! I was freaked and googled the worst, but my doctor assured me measurements of the head are so hard to get the bigger they get. Some tall some short some chunky some skinny. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Baby measuring 2 weeks behind. Might have to deliver early Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Hope everything is well! And sure enough, I now have a healthy 18 month old son who has a head in the 90%. We have had all the optional blood work for chromosome issues, the nt scan etc and all looked fine. Small fetal head circumference | Mumsnet They've told me to keep a hospital bag ready whenever I go in for a scan which is every two weeks now. Thank you. My partner's niece had a small head (at least there was concerns as a tiny baby) but she is fine. 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Yes I think the same, I mean the doctor didnt even say I need to come back for another scan or extra tests or anything so I have to believe all will be well! I'm going to regret even posting this because I do not want to alarm you for no reason BUT I vacationed in the Dominican Republic shortly before getting pregnant with DS and I was offered a third trimester scan to determine if our baby had microcephaly (small head) since the Dominican Republic does have Zika. She also measured overall behind on other parts, but her head was the smallest. Yup I've been measuring a little behind all along, my OB isn't concerned at all. I am having scans every 3 weeks for measuring small but no-one is suggesting anything other than monitoring growth to make sure it doesnt get worse. I'm going to regret even posting this because I do not want to alar. Im in the same boat here! My husband was working in Budapest a few months before we conceived but other than that we live in Southern California and dont get much time for travel. We laughed and I assume it's something we will keep an eye on. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. He was born before my follow up ultrasound and his measurements were consistent with the rest of his body. the amniotic fluid volume. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Baby measuring big for dates | MadeForMums She could have just done some major growing or the measurements were off. I havent been offered anything else so Im just curious if maybe I should ask. Its something we laughed about in the end - the Paed visited us in hospital and made a point to reassure us babe was normal - theres a spectrum for a reason and someone had to be on the bigger end. Again, sorry for jumping right to Zika but it was the first thing that came to my head when I read your post! My doctor wasn't too worried, and either way we will love our son, so I declined the ultrasound. I have a wee babe measuring in the 6th percentile. So I just had a scan this morn and I'm 28+3 and baby's head is measuring 30 weeks. He came out looking purportionately just like my other babies. Bump measuring 2 weeks too small - worrying - Mumsnet We have had all the optional blood work for chromosome issues, the nt scan etc and all looked fine. Both my nephews' heads measured big, too, but they're just fine. The HC measurement is in the 8th percentile but the BPD is less than 1 percentile. Especially with all the awful Zika news you hear "head measuring small" and freak out. If your doctors are not worried, the baby is probably fine. All her measurements were proportionate. I wouldnt have known about my babys smaller abdomen without also requesting the scan and Im glad I did! I'm well aware every baby is different but my daughter whose now 4 was always in the 90th percentile, and my husband and I are both very very tall. True mine looks like it will have a big head and little legs! Does bpd mean head to toe length do u know? If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. So while it can be difficult, try not to compare your baby bump to anyone elses. My sons was born with a 38cm head. I'm 33 weeks and my baby's head is measuring 4 weeks behind. My SIL had small abdomen with her baby 7 mos ago, and they induced her at 37w so I am just prepared incase that is the case. I was relieved with the radiologist report. Ok so its not as concerning if baby is overall smaller, but lets just hope its a wrong measurement. Different babies of the same weight can have different head size, therefore, dating in the later part of pregnancy is generally considered unreliable. I'm 37 weeks. Are you sure they werent giving you a w. Hi, at my 20 weeks scan I was told the baby was measuring small. Both my kids heads have measured 2-3 weeks ahead with no concerns from my OB. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. What?! My baby's head measured over 2 weeks ahead but dr wasn't concerned since everything looked normal and healthy, just big. So that made a vaginal delivery much much nicer ;) There was nothing wrong with his adorable little head and he looked perfectly normal. Now back at my normal place I had a scan yesterday 27+2 weeks. When I think of a big head I think of cancer and I need to not associate the two so help!! It's such a low percentile reading for the head. My dr said not to worry but they are sending me to a perinatologist (high risk on) for a more detailed / more accurate sonogram. He actually said all looked good. That's for kids who fall right in the 50th percentile. Anyone ever have a little one who's head is measuring 2 weeks aheadwhat does it or could it mean? think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Learn more about, When and How Babies Learn About Object Permanence, As a Single Mom, I Struggled to Accept Help During the 4th Trimester. why is my baby's head measuring 2 weeks behind. I guess if I dont have to push out a big head thats good. They aren't still sure why the baby is measuring small, possible placental insufficiency. So average weight for the baby at is 1.9lbs mines is . I guess I'm just looking for anyone with a similar experience so I can feel at least a little less anxious. I wanted to share my experience that it may help someone else because I know I have benefitted from reading so many others posts in this group. After the 3rd they stopped being concerned for the most part because we just know that it is nothing serious, just my husband and I both have small heads and now so do our babies. Growth scans showed he was small. Doctor repeatedly said not to worry and didnt recommend any further tests or anything so I am trying not to freak out about it. The doctor told me usually there the head circumference and the width would both be significantly off. Looks like you're in your third trimester? So my advice is that as hard as it is, if the doctors assure you all is well, try not to worry! All rights reserved. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Thanks so much for replying. I've had two ultrasounds at theperinatologist's and he said the head is growing along the curve, it's just small because he's breech. ago With my second, I measured a week behind. So it's hard for me to not wonder what did I do wrong or differently this time around. Thanks ladies! The doctors kept saying my boy was weighing 2 weeks over and that he would be a big baby, predicting at least 8 lbs. It could be because the day you were measured, there wasn't enough amniotic fluid around your baby which made your bump looked smaller. Thank you for your reply! I wonder how our vaginas will recuperate lol, Yup buba was measuring 36 weeks for everything at the 36+2 scan other than his head was 38+4 I dread pushing that out. They've told me to keep a hospital bag ready whenever I go in for a sc.
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