According to additional police reports, a gunshot residue test was collected from Dylan at approximately 6:00 pm, and Whitley would also be tested shortly after. Menu Log In Sign Up Christian boards the tugboat to start his next 30-day hitch at 5:00 in the morning on February 22, 2022. Though Richard Todd Andreacchio and Stacy Rae Andreacchio invoke Mississippi Code Section 23-15-951 (Rev. The complaint accuses Wagner of uploading Andreacchio's autopsy photos online anda personal effort to encourage local individuals to discount the theory of homicide.. I am the founder of Magnolia Son, but most importantly I am the mother of a wonderful young man named Christian Shane Andreacchio. Emails show the family had reached out to Sorenson Forensics. Something very corrupt is going on with the Meridian Police department . A Lauderdale County grand jury has chosen not to indict two individuals in the 2014 death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio. Host Dennis Cooper travel's to Lauderdale, Mississippi to visit Christian's mother Rae and the rest of his family. In early May of 2019, Jett Miller and Whitley Goodman filed a $47 million lawsuit against the Andreacchio family, the family's private investigator, and the 'Culpable' podcast. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. The group then watches another movie before Christian and Whitley leave the apartment, "to take a little ride", according to Dylan. (Ott, David) September 14, 2020: Filing 3 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Safeco Insurance Company of America. There may be something nefarious that happened afterwards (after Christians death). In May of 2017, the Andreacchio family files a wrongful death lawsuit. If you'd like to learn more about Christian and his case, join the Justice for Christian Facebook group. He was born November 4, 1992, and blessed me by sharing the next 21 years of his life with me. According to Christian's cell phone records, there are an additional 3 calls placed to Dylan between 1:37 am and 8:00 am. I went downstairs and found the love of my life face down swooshed up in a puddle of blood. Plaintiffs appeal. Founded in 2016 as the states first nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, Mississippi Todays roots in Capitol coverage have grown to encompass a myriad of beats beyond politics and policy, including education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and, yes, sports. And then, of course, from there there'll be a trial. On February 26, 2014, police from the Meridian Police Department discovered Christian Andreacchio, 21, slumped over his bathtub in the bathroom of his apartment upstairs. At least 12 dead after winter storm slams South, Midwest, The Saturday Six: Dental device controversy, scientist's bug find and more, Indonesia fuel depot fire kills 18; more than a dozen missing, 3 children killed, 2 others wounded at Texas home, Man charged for alleged involvement in 2 transformer explosions, Nikki Haley slams potential GOP contenders, and Trump and George W. Bush, Duo of 81-year-old women plan to see the world in 80 days, Tom Sizemore, actor known for "Saving Private Ryan" and "Heat," dies at 61, Alex Murdaugh trial: What to know about the double murder case, Troubling clues fuel a family's quest for justice, "The Suspicious Death of Christian Andreacchio,". The undisputed material facts show that the information Defendant is alleged to have shared is truthful information, public records, concerning a matter of public significance. They need to take a closer look at this case. Todd and . Name: Todd R Andreacchio, Phone number: (601) 632-9339, State: MS, City: Lauderdale, Zip Code: 39335 and more information Both his girlfriend and one of Christians friends were at his apartment that day. My son was murdered February 26, 2014. by Kate Royals, Mississippi Today March 17, 2017, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. The parents of Christian Andreacchio filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Meridian's chief administrative officer accusing him of publically displaying their son's autopsy photos. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The lawsuit . Two attempts by a Meridian city council member to remove the city's chief administrative officer failed at Tuesday night's city council meeting. This request stems from the public release of several documents, which were obtained by the city of Meridian, through this anonymous Facebook account. A Meridian city councilman attempted to remove the salary of the city's chief administrativ, Meridian Mayor Percy Bland said Tuesday that he has reprimanded Chief Administrative Officer Richie McAlister over language in an audio recor. Christian Andreacchio - Part 1, Murder or Suicide? Photos. Then he was supposed to have been back to the boat for crew change at 5:30 that evening.. Its too obvious to everyone I would hope that this definitely wasnt a suicide. A citizen of Meridian, MS addresses the Meridian City Council on October 15, 2019. with the request for a new investigation into Christian's death, specifically one performed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Whitley didn't have a strong support system at home, so the Andreacchio's took her in. He was the 2nd child (out of 4) to Rae and Todd Andreacchio. 2018), they . The case was scheduled to be presented to the grand jury this month, but now that the Attorney Generals office has taken over the investigation, the next step remains unknown. Results from Christian's gunshot residue tests are released on April 3, 2014. Dylan later adds in police reports that during the drive, he and Christian discuss issues that Christian was having with Whitley at the time and the reason why Christian was leaving work for the day. The Meridian Police Department ruled Christian Andreacchio's death a suicide. He was in a good mood, Stanley told Mississippi Today about Christians demeanor that night. We affirm. These people and places have Twitter accounts , let them know this is BS. Christian's mother Rae Andreacchio described her son as a hard worker who was on the verge of becoming one of the youngest towboat captains on the Mississippi and facing a long, successful career. Plaintiffs argue that Defendant exceeded the bounds of constitutionally protected speech by distributing their sons autopsy photographs online. The address on file for this person is 2220 Long Creek Road, Meridian, MS 39301 in Lauderdale County. Christian is further described on the website by his friends as "a friend you would want to have your back. According to cell phone records, Christian calls Whitley again at 7:15 am on February 26th. (Ott, David) . View Richard Andreacchio results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. The standard at a preliminary is probable cause.. There wasnt any misconduct that Im aware of that was uncovered by law enforcement immediately after his death, Parrish said. Chalise Wilson, then-forensic accounts manager for Sorenson,wrote to Christians mother after examination of the crime lab report that the kit used by the lab was old and their company would be able to use a newer one. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. I hope theres some resolution and well know what happens.. On Feb. 26, 2014, Christian was found. According to his brother, Christian was planning on returning home and ending things once and for all with Whitley and had plans to kick her out of his apartment, where she had been living at the time. "As I walked in I noticed he wasn't on the couch and I walked around the apartment calling him and got no answer. "At this point, there has been further investigation by multiple agencies that have determined it to be a suicide," says Lauderdale County District Attorney Kassie Coleman, who was not part of the case at the time of the death. Reportedly, Whitley Goodman is a woman from Meridian, Mississippi, who used to be the girlfriend of Christian Andreacchio before his demise on February 26, 2014. Mr. Andreacchio, age 73, of Dalewood, passed away Friday, April 6, 2018, at Rush Foundation Hospital. Three days later, he said he was still waiting to hear from the district attorney. . Phone records from early January 2014 show Goodman texted Christian about the possibility of being pregnant, the family says. After Justin agrees and starts to get ready to leave his home, Christian calls him back and informs him that someone else would be picking him up, another friend of Christian's named Dylan.Dylan arrives to pick Christian up around 8:00 am the following day, February 26, 2014, before the pair make the long drive back to Meridian, Mississippi. "We're 100 percent confident that if the information is presented fairly, that people will be indicted. McAlister later denies those allegations within days. After they leave, Dylan reportedly falls asleep for around 2 hours and wakes up after Christian and Whitley return. Christian was a family-centered, hardworking, loyal, ambitious, and generous young man who would do anything to make you smile or laugh, even on your darkest days. Christian reached out to his boss to see if he could find a substitute in order to go home for a day, indicating it was due to a family conflict. (601) 482-7808 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC) is Sonny's sole phone number. TODD ANDREACCHIO, ET AL. Robert Barham Family Funeral Home has been entrusted with the arrangements. Christian loved riding dirt bikes, spending time out on a lake near his family's home, and spending time outside with his friends. Meridian Police Department officers ruled Andreacchio's death a suicide after a 45-minute investigation and an autopsy, according to previous reports . Goodman & Swearingen should be in jail. A citizen of Meridian, MS addresses the Meridian City Council on October 15, 2019. with the request for a new investigation into Christian's death, specifically one performed by the U.S. Department of Justice. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. His reasons for these extreme efforts are unknown to the Andreacchios, but they now must endure daily the knowledge that the graphic evidence of their most private and personal grief has simply become Ritchie McAllisters (sic) public water cooler, the lawsuit states. Jett said she did shoot the gun. Around that same time he made a call to Christians phone. Christian's neighbor, Mike, would later report to police that he noticed a gold Chevrolet or GMC truck parked next to Whitley's silver BMW at Christian's apartment at approximately 4:15 pm. Share Christian's story on Twitter to bring him and his family justice. The results further concluded that "Particles indicative of gunshot residue were observed to be present on the samples in Submission 005A(Back of Right Hand), 005B(Right Palm), and 005C(Back of Left Hand), 005D(Left Palm). Defendant has argued publicly in favor of the Meridian Police Departments conclusion. The Meridian Police Department ruled Christian Andreacchio's death a suicide. But Meridian attorney J. Stewart Parrish, who represented Goodman in the aftermath of Christians death and who currently represents Swearingen in an unrelated case, said the case was investigated by a number of differentagencies, all of which came to the conclusion that Christians death was a suicide. However, his family did not believe he would take his own life. 4:51pm:Christian's phone is used to call Dylan. When asked why Tabb wasnt contacted until recently given the conflicting reports, Dubose said he could not recall Jettsstatement. Whitley and Dylan are cold blooded murderers. (601) 482-7808is Todd's phone number. I think that the investigators on the scene shouldve been allowed to complete their investigation and talk to witnesses, Dubose said. Russell W Andreacchio Jr, Age 68 aka Sean Butler, Sonny Andreacchio, William R Andreacchio, Jr R Andreacchio Current Address: LWRQ Highway 19 S, Meridian, MS Past Addresses: Lauderdale MS, Cuba AL +9 more Phone Number: (601) 604- MXAC +4 phones Email Address: m PSVH +4 emails UNLOCK PROFILE Phone & Email (10) All Addresses (12) Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. "It's a staged scene.". Cynthia Speetjens, the attorney for the Andreacchios and a former prosecutor for the state, expressed the familys point of view:They have a staged scene and a financial motive and obvious lies. None of these calls are answered. Rae Andreacchio says she is hopeful that if a grand jury is reconvened, they will one day find justice for Christian. To learn more about Christian's case, listen to the Culpable podcast, which is dedicated to sharing Christian's story. During the grand jury trial, the jury determined that there is not enough evidence to indict anyone for Christian's death. morton ranch junior high bell schedule. Property Number Properties Residents; 1-1499: 44: 179: 1500-1899: 40: 159: 1900+ 44: 114: Long Creek Rd, Meridian MS address records. After the couple returns a couple of hours later, and Dylan wakes up from a nap, he decides to go to a local Best Buy to look at their speaker selection. The legislation, written by Representatives Nick Bain, Fred Shanks, Adam Calvert, Troy Smith and Stephen Horne, would amend section 41-61-61, allowing for the confidentiality of photos, videos and audio recordings of autopsies . She won awards for her investigative work, including stories about the states campaign finance laws and prison system. According to his narrative, upon his arrival, he made contact with Dylan before he was pointed to the upstairs bathroom. On 18-1498 Long Creek Rd, Meridian MS we have 44 property listings for the 151 residents and businesses. The Meridian Police Department ruled Christian Andreacchios death a suicide. Stacy Andreacchio. Jett and Whitley file a lawsuit against the Andreacchio family and a podcast. Christians friend Dylan Swearingen called the Meridian police, but investigators who arrived to assess the scene reported were interrupted by an order from then-police chief James Lee to stop investigating and rule the death a suicide. Panicked, Dylan calls 9-1-1 to report the apparent suicide. Troubling clues fuel a family's quest for justice, New developments revealed in the suspicious death of Christian Andreacchio, District Attorney Coleman releases statement regarding Andreacchio case, District Attorney Kassie Coleman offers to reopen Christian Andreacchio case only if new evidence is presented, Murder or suicide? I told her he didn't answer me and that we need to check on him. View Rae Andreacchio results in Mississippi (MS) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Last updated: December 17, 2022 Meridian, MS February 26, 2014 Contribute to Christian's Case Overview Timeline Sources Attempts to reach Swearingen were not successful. The grand jury indicted the pair, citing insufficient evidence at that point that they would require to convict and charge them for Christian's murder. To republish online, simply click the button, copy the html code and paste into your Content Management System (CMS). For 15 episodes, Culpable, the newest true crime podcast from Black Mountain Media and Tenderfoot TV, has investigated the death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio, the suspicious circumstances. Christian Shane Andreacchio Services for Christian Shane Andreacchio will be held Monday, March 3, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. at Robert Barham Family Funeral Home Chapel, with Dr. Raymon Leake officiating. Whitley (Goodman) believed that she was Christians life insurance beneficiary, and Dylan spoke to a member of the Andreacchio family on her behalf, asking whether the policy had paid off yet, because Whitleys grandmother needed a car.. (WLBT) - Several state representatives have introduced legislation in honor of Christian Andreacchio, the subject of the mega-popular podcast Culpable.. Christian, who had been working 30-day hitches out on a tugboat, receives permission from the boat's captain to leave the boat late in the evening of February 25, 2014. Suspicious Death: Christian Andreacchio | Meridian, MS | Uncovered Suspicious Death Christian Andreacchio Follow Christian's Case A young man's death is ruled a suicide; family and friends believe otherwise. Tonight in Meridian, the non-profit organization "Magnolia Son" created to honor Christian Andreacchio, who lost his life in February of 2014, has announced the winner of their annual scholarship. Lindemann said later that he was referring to a recording that appeared to be of McAlister threatening violence against Lindemann and discussing photos related toAndreacchio's death. Detective Jerry Bratu with the Meridian Police Department told the family via email on May 24, 2016, he was waiting for the DA to give me a go ahead for the crime lab to release the DNA sample to Sorenson. When told of the discovery, prosecutor Kassie Coleman said she was willing to reconvene a grand jury to present the new information. Events from that point on can be described as bizarre at best and suspicious at worst. According to these results, "Particles of gunshot residue were positively identified on the samples in Submissions 005B(Right Palm) and 005D(Left Palm)." 10:45am:Gunshot residue tests are submitted. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Correspondent Peter Van Sant was not present at the filming and Goodman would not take questions, but said of the poem, "It just came to me, like, out of nowhere. All evidences point to homicide and the truth would have come out years ago if this was handled properly. From then until about 5 p.m. that day, the only two people around Christian were Swearingen and Goodman. Dubose decided to reopen the case. girlfriends male acquaintance so he can find happiness with my money. Rae and Todd had both been born and grown up in Meridian (Rae) and Dalewood (Todd), Mississippi. Results from Whitley's GSR test are returned. Sources of Information. You have permission to edit this article. Authorities. Before Dylan leaves, he retrieves Christian's gun from a hiding spot behind a curtain and returns it to him, reportedly telling Christian to "unload it and please don't touch it." After giving Christian his gun, Dylan reportedly tells Christian to "unload it and please don't touch it", before he leaves. Todd Andreacchio is listed as a Member with Del-Rae Services, LLC in Mississippi. Police tried to downgrade the charges to manslaughter with culpable negligence, Dubose said, but the family and the judge who signed off on the warrants would not agree. According to the release, Andreacchio's. Christians co-worker, Cheryl Stanley, says that later that same month, Christian told her he was thinking about buying a life insurance policy with Goodman as the beneficiary. Alexa Andreacchio served on 9/11/2020, answer due 10/2/2020. His death was "prematurely" ruled a. Gen Why: Christian Andreacchio & Jaryd Atadero, The Suspicious Death of Christian Andreacchio, Question and Answers with Rae Andreacchio Part 2. Todd Andreacchio Self - Christian's Father Jonathan Arden Self - Forensic Pathologist (as Dr. Jonathan Arden) Kiera Bergman Self (archive footage) Braydee Bragg Self - Kiera's Sister Chris Bragg Self - Kiera's Father Kiersten Bragg Self - Kiera's Mother Kassie Coleman Self - Disttrict Attorney, 10th Circuit Court Taylor Dial Dylan plans to pick Christian up between 7:45 am and 8:00 am. Goodman said that because she had taken Xanax the night before, she slept through the gunshot that killed Christian and did not wake up until Swearingen came home. v. JOSEPH HAMILTON, ET AL. A grand jury heard the case in 2017 and did not indict Goodman and Swearingen. MERIDIAN, Miss. The report continues to clarify that the 'indicative particles' do not possess the mixture of characteristics and composition which is necessary to identify them as gunshot residue, due to other potential environmental sources. In September, the podcast's creators announced a reward of up to $100,000 for new information leading to a conviction. Christian receives permission to leave the tugboat. WILLIAM C. HAMMACK, RONNIE L. WALTON, Meridian 1. Details. Meridian city council approves the request for a Department of Justice investigation. (AP) Parents of a late 21-year-old Mississippi man are suing a city official they say invited the public to view autopsy photos of their son and discuss the case. Dylan Swearingen and Whitley Goodman, Andreacchio's friend and girlfriend, were with Andreacchio the day he died. Whitley and Dylan ,both, belong to prison for life. Pallbearers will be Taylor Dial, Jacob Golden, Chris Thompson, Kellen Smith, Paul Smith and John Flanagan. Goodman's mother, Christie Chatterton, said, "I just want them to know that she did not kill him. Owning a BMW and having a job, not just a job. In 2014, the Andreacchio family suffered a tragic loss, the death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio. Meridian, MS - thIn an effort to respond clearly and concisely to any remaining inquires, the 10 Judicial . I'll be everyone's escape. 0:59. I understand the family doesnt like the result and they want somebody to blame and all that other stuff but at the end of the day youve got to make sure you get the right guy. Things just didnt fit, said Meridian Police Chief Benny Dubose. On November 14, 2018, District Attorney Kassie Coleman spoke with Todd Andreacchio by telephone. He said he was going to go over (home) and get his car and lock his apartment and make her (Goodman) go back to her grandmas where she was supposed to have been. s$EF~|h^^4(/h|1{w?>s3i=VN0z6a[~l;SU=ElG8#C^ k!$
Officer James Lagoy with the Meridian Police Department was the first to arrive at the scene. My name is Rae Andreacchio. On a very bad day, my son lost his best friend," she said. The following is included in Whitley's statement to police: He secured a substitute and arranged for a friend to pick him up on shore in St. Rose, La., on the morning of Feb. 26. District he didn't reply so I opened the door and I saw Christian laying face down across the tub with blood in it. Something is very very wrong with the handling of this case. (WTOK) - Rae Andreacchio addressed the Meridian City Council Tuesday with a request regarding the death of her son Christian Andreacchio . 5:11pm:Christian's phone is used to call Matt. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The filing status is listed as Dissolved. The residential address for Todd is 2602 43rd Avnue, Meridian, MS 39307-4269. Who are the residents at 2602 43rd Avenue Meridian, in addition to Todd Andreacchio? 20, 2021 at 8:01 PM PDT. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. Instructions for Successful Bar Applicants, Circuit, Criminal, Chancery, Business Courts & Three-Judge Panels, Court of Appeals - Internal Operating Procedures, CIRCUIT, CRIMINAL, CHANCERY & BUSINESS COURTS, ADVISORY TASK FORCE ON COMPOSITION OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. In reporting the story, Peter Van Sant and "48 Hours" discovered a key investigative report in the case was not presented to the grand jury in 2017. According to Dylan, when he returns to the apartment, everything seemed normal. Plaintiffs contend that, contrary to the official conclusion, their son was murdered. Help keep the momentum going by rejoining our member community today. This case is labeled an election contest, but it is not one. Mr. Andreacchio advised District Attorney Kassie Coleman that his family wanted the case reopened. 1328 Carl Harper Rd, Meridian. These particles are consistent with particles present in gunshot residue". During his time at the bank, where he is seen on security footage at 12:30 pm, Dylan is told that he cannot withdraw money from Christian's account simply because the account does not belong to him.Once he returns, the group watches another movie before Christian and Whitley decide to go on a drive. Christian Andreacchio was found dead in the upstairs of his apartment in Meridian, Mississippi on February 26, 2014. Im friends with the Andreccio [sic] family I thought I was too close to the situation, and felt the AG would come in with fresh eyes, and hopefully get to the bottom of the case, Mitchell told Mississippi Today via text. 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Todd R Andreacchio is a resident of MS. Lookup the home address and phone 6016329339 and other contact details for this person. Through the concerted efforts of Bilbo Mitchell, former DA; Kassie Coleman, current DA; Arden believes Andreacchio's body was moved after he was killed. Grand jury chooses not to indict Whitley and Dylan. It wouldn't take long until Christian would move on to his next big goal, to become the youngest tugboat captain ever at the company he was working for, a goal that he was set to achieve. - (601) 693 . The photographs were public records released by the Mississippi Attorney Generals Office. These particles are consistent with particles present in gunshot residue." He now works as assistant police chief in Durant.